Angel (JeongChan)2

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It had been little over a year since Jeongin first met Chan. He still worked in the Home but his job had been adapted to suit him. Instead of working with everyone, Jeongin was now Chan's personal helper because Chan only listened to him and took a liking to him as soon as he walked through to door.

Chan had gotten a lot better over the course of the year. He hardly ever burst into a rage anymore and he was more able to calm his shaking on his own now. Even though his worries and memories of the past remained vibrant in his fragile mind, they didn't bother him as much as they used to. However, with all the positives there had to be negatives. Chan had developed insomnia. It wasn't caused by anything in particular, just the feeling that there were tasks to do rather than sleep.


"You are free to go Chan."

The middle aged lady on the front desk smiled at the boys. They were holding bags of belongings, ready to be put in Jeongin's car. Happily, Chan handed over his ID card that showed he was a resident of the home. He finally felt free.

A fifteen minute drive later, they had arrived at Jeongin's apartment- their apartment. He had asked Chan to live with him a week before he was discharged. Excitedly, Chan had agreed to move in. The thought of living away from the home kept Chan going for the rest of his time there.

Together, the boys took Chan's things into his new room and began putting stuff away. Within the hour, they had finished and decided to watch a movie on the couch.

"Thank you Innie." Chan mumbled into the youngers chest as he snuggled into him. Neither of them minded the close skinship they shared. In fact, Jeongin loved when Chan was clingy. Jeongin placed his arm around the cute brunette resting on him.


Within a week of living together, it became the norm for Chan to sleep in Jeongin's bed each night. He needed the comfort and enjoyed knowing that he wasn't alone; especially knowing it was Jeongin next to him. They regularly exchanged small kisses and had cuddle sessions daily. They hadn't explicitly agreed it but they were both acutely aware of the romantic relationship blossoming between them.

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