Cuddles (Jeongin)

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I looked up from my phone when i heard my apartment door open and close, followed by heavy footsteps.
"Jeongin?" I called out to make sure it was him. He appeared in my bedroom doorway, eyes red and tears still streaming down his cheeks. I stood up instantly and swiftly went to him. I caressed his face, using my thumb to wipe away the tears.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked softly.
"I-i can't get the dance right but i need to before next week." He pouted. My arms wrapped around the boy, embracing him in a tight hug.
"Don't get so worked up over it sweetie." I told him. "You've always been alright in the past, just don't give up."
He hummed a small response.
"You know what i think will help?" I asked. He looked at me with a subtly confused expression.
"Cuddles." I said and he smiled at me.  I held his hand and guided him to the bed. We lay down together and for the first time in months, i was the big spoon. I held my boy close and his arms were loosely around my hips. His head rested peacefully on my chest. I know from previous conversations that he likes to hear my heart beat because he knows its for him. I gently kissed the top of his head, resulting in his hold getting tighter. I loved being there to help my Jeonginnie when he needed me 💙

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