~6~toy kitten

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Bakugo POV

"fine.. I guess.. im going to finish this homework..uhh.. stuff.." I said going to my room with my bag over one shoulder. I kicked the door open lightly and tossed my bag in. I flopped on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"why do I lie..?"



I had gotten home to see my mother waiting for me with a huge grin on her face. she had her arms open wide as I ran into them.

"so.? how was your first day?!" she asked me letting go but still holding onto my arms.

"it was awesome! lots of confusion but once we sorted it out it was fine. im in the top hero class in my grade level!" I yelped proudly as we headed inside. it was kind of nice to have just me and my mom here. it would get lonely sometimes because my older brother lives away, and my dad. I never met the guy. well I did as a kid. but I cant really remember him well.. every time I tried to think about him I only remembered the plushie he gave me as a kid. a small black and white kitten. with a red bow around its neck. I still had it since its the only thing I could remember of him. I had it up on my shelf just sitting there for years. I decided to take it down and look at it. it had a small hook at the top to put it on a bag. I had taken this everywhere with me as a kid. I know that much. I took my dads disappearance very well for a kid my age. my brother not as much. he had gotten a little puppy plushie like mine before dad left. I wonder if he has his.. I sighed looking down at the dust on the poor kitty.

"eww. lets clean you up after dinner." I chuckled setting it on my desk. I went over to my phone and scrolled through Instagram until food was finished. I quickly went down and sat at the dinner table with my mom. yummy homemade katsu don. I finished quickly and thanked my mother, I went to get cleaned up. I felt so refreshed after the shower and had a towel on my head rubbing it around until I got to my room. I walked in and saw the little kitty sitting there on my desk by the window. I smiled a little for some reason. I felt like dad was some how still watching me. the smile soon went away when my (H/C) hair fell in my face. I combed it and dried it a little picking back up the cat. I grabbed a cloth and added a little water. I brushed off all the dust and dirt from when I carried it around with me when I was young. it looked brand new. as for the cloth.. not so much.

"hey. what are you up to F/N?" my mom asked walking into the washroom. she looked over my shoulder and saw the little furry kitten in my hands. "now. why do you have such a toy like that?" she asked snarkily looking at it.

"mom... remember dad gave this to me as a kid.. its the only thing a remember him by.." I sighed looking up at her. I turned to leave but she stopped me for a moment.

"you dont need that old thing anymore. its for kids." she said in almost a rude tone. I turned back and shot her a glare I hadn't meant to. I then left with the small kitten in my hands. I looked down at it and pet it with my thumb. I set it on the desk edge near me and got tucked into bed.

"I love you dad.. where ever you may be.."

A/N; I thought this little piece would be interesting. hope you enjoyed!

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