Chapter one: Math is too hard...

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Bakugo P.O.V-
"So, do you add 8 to 44?" Kirishima asked me as he scribbled something down.
"No, you dumbass! You add 8 to 96, then carry it over 44." I grumbled. I was helping him with math homework. I wouldn't call Kirishima dumb for not understanding, but he can be really be dumb sometimes.
"Oooh!I think i get it."
"No you don't. You added it to 44."
"Oh, yeah. Haha! That's not too manly of me not to know and all." He chuckled and got back to work. I stood up and went to my bed and sat on the edge, while he worked at a little desk on the floor. We set it up since he came over to ask for help so often.
"Are you done?" I grumbled, "I kinda want some fuckin' sleep."
"At 8:30?" He turned to face me.
"Yeah, what about it?" I growled.
"That's pretty manly! Going to bed early so you don't get tired tomorrow." Kirishima stood up. "Anyways, Yeah, i'm done. Thanks again for your help, Bakugo!" Kirishima gathered his papers and pencil.
"Is it alright if i come by again tomorrow? I need a little help before the history test." He asked me, standing at the door frame.
"Yeah, sure. I don't care." I looked up at him from my phone, He thanked me and walked out, closing the door behind him. I assume he's gonna go to his dorm, then probably to go train or something. That's what he normally does. I wonder what his training routine is.. wait, Why the hell do i even care? I need to go to sleep. I watched a few videos, then I shut my phone off and went to sleep.

Kirishima's P.O.V-
Man, I can't thank Bakugo enough for helping me with this math homework! I was half asleep in class, so i didn't catch a word Ms. Midnight said.I put my homework in my bag, then put on some workout clothes, a white tank top and tan shorts. I put a bandana on my head, sort of to act as a headband, grabbed a towel and headed off to the training room on the first floor. I trampled down the stairs, and made it to the first floor. Everyone but Mineta, Ojiro and Yaoyorozu and Bakugo, of course, were here. Yaoyorozu went to sleep early, Ojiro is in the gym, and i hope Mineta is in his room. I greeted them, then went off to the training room. I was there until almost 10, i left around 9:50 i think. But not without grabbing something to eat. I grabbed a couple fruit snacks and made some pizza rolls, then headed up to my room. I fell asleep around 10:20-ish.

Pop rocks! [BHNA Kiribaku fanfic.] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now