Chapter seven: B-But..

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Kirishima's P.O.V
Me and Bakugo were just talking when there was a knock on the door. Bakugo was still feeling sick, so i got up to answer it. Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari were all there.
"Oh, Hey guys! What's up?" I smiled, and Ashido returned the smile, but it quickly turned mischievous.
"Nothing, really. Aside from the fact you left us all alone today!" Ashido pouted.
"Yeah, It was so quiet without Bakugo saying something when Midoriya got an answer wrong." Sero admitted.
"Sorry, guys. I guess the events from yesterday really did something." I said.
"Can we come in? I wanna see Bakugo!" Ashido, said, bouncing. I looked over at him, and he shrugged, then nodded.
"Ok. Be careful, though. He's been sneezing all day." I teased, and let them in. One by one, they all walked in. Ashido sat on the floor, Sero sat at a small chair in the corner of the room, and Kaminari sat on the little desk.
"How are you feeling, Bakugo?" Sero asked. For a split second, Bakugo looked over at me, then glanced around at all of them.
"I'm fine, i guess." I sat down next to Bakugo, and Ashido gave me a suspicious glare.
"How come Kirishima can sit on the Bakubed? I wanna sit too!" She pouted, subtly giving off something i didn't quite know yet.
"Cause your attitude is fuckin' contagious. I don't want that positive shit near me." Bakugo admitted.
"Is that a backward compliment?" Kaminari said, sounding genuinely confused.
"I think." Sero answered.
"Why the fuck does it matter?"
"Cause we wanna spend time with our classmates that were gone all day!!" Ashido, for a third time, pouted.
"Great, raccoon eyes. Still doesn't answer my fuckin' question." I chuckled at their little conversation.
"Because! Uh.. Kaminari you tell him!" Ashido looked over at him.
"What!? Why me??"
"Cause you asked!"
"How am i supposed to know!? I asked cause it was confusing!"
"Does that answer it, Bakugo?" Ashido turned to Bakugo.
"I guess."
"Great! Now, to why i actually wanted to hang out today!"
"What?" Me and Bakugo said at the same time. I looked over at him, then looked over at Ashido.
"Me, Sero, and Kaminari were talking at lunch. And we wanted to know..drumroll please!!" I was getting Anxious, and Kaminari and Sero started patting their laps. Bakugo didn't look impressed.
"If you guys were dating!" She finally said. Me and Bakugo didn't look impressed now.
"What the fuck. Of course we aren't!! What the fuck makes you think that?!" Bakugo yelled.To be honest, i was a little hurt.
"I dunno, Maybe it's because you guys have been "doing homework" together for the past week and a half!!" Ashido responded.
"Ashido, I-" I was cut off by Bakugo.
"Because Kirishima needs help with it! And he's the only-fucking-one who comes and gets help. He's told you all fucking before you can come to me for help." Bakugo's temperature was rising because of how angry he was.
"Bakugo, calm down. You're going to make your fever worse." I stated, and turned to Ashido. "Like he's said, He helps me with my homework, and it's nothing more then that. My dorm is right next to his, so it's just more efficient to just come over here." Saying that somehow hurt me. Why?
"Really.." Ashido glared up at me.
"Then how come you two were sneaking off toward the creek? Alone?" Ashido got up, and by the second, Sero and Kaminari could tell she was pressing too far.
"..How do you know about that?" I glared right back at her.
"I was looking out the window during lunchtime. It isn't hard to spot a redhead from that far away."
"Why weren't you heading to class?"
"L-Look, that's not important! What's important right now is that you both snuck out to the creek!"
"Why is it so important? Did you expect us to sit inside the dorms all day?"
"Because who knows what you could be doing there! I want my best friend to be safe, and not wi-"
"Ashido. You're overdoing it, leave them alone." Kaminari blurted out. "They said they aren't dating, why are you so invested in this?"
"B-Because!! We were talking about it at lunch, and-"
"We were joking, Ashido. Me or Kaminari would never pry into personal business like that." Sero said, frowning.
"B-But... Whatever!" Mina blurted out, and shoved through the door, speedwalking away.Sighing, Kaminari looked at me and Bakugo. I didn't even notice Bakugo was huffing.
"We'll go too. Sorry about Mina, Bro." Sero apologized to Bakugo, and Kaminari agreed.
"It's fine." Bakugo stated, then laid down. Kaminari and Sero left, then, again, me and bakugo were alone.

Pop rocks! [BHNA Kiribaku fanfic.] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now