Chapter 10: A deep breath.

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Ashido's P.O.V
This. Is horrible.
I was planning to try and talk Shinso into helping out, But Kaminari and Sero asked Mr. Aizawa to go with me to go home and check up on Kirishima and Bakugo! I'm probably just gonna go to my dorm, instead of staying with them.
We got there in the pouring rain eventually, All of us heading to our dorms to change into more comfortable clothes.

Kaminari's P.O.V
Me and Sero met up at Bakugo's door, but Ashido didn't turn up. That's kind of expected, because of what happened.
"Dude, We shouldn't just go in without her! What if she thinks we went in without her on purpose?" Sero said, folding his arms.
"Well, she should've gotten here earlier! She's always places before us! It's obvious she doesn't want to come!" I argued back.
"Maybe she can't decide on an outfit, or-" Sero started, before the door opened.
"Oh, uh, Hey guys! What're you doing here so early?" Kirishima said, startling us both.
"Oh! Hi! Mr. Aizawa sent us to check on you and Bakugo, since the power went out at school, and the storm's gonna last awhile." I quickly responded, not giving Sero a chance to talk.
"Oh, uh, okay. Do you wanna come in? Bakugo's fever started letting up!" Kirishima beamed.
"Really? Yeah, of course!" I responded, and he moved out the way to let us in. Sero followed after me when i walked in, and i smiled at Bakugo. I sat on the little chair, Sero sat down next to me on the floor, and Kirishima sat next to Bakugo on his bed.
"Should we tell them?" Sero said, looking at me.
"Tell us what?" Bakugo growled, both of us looking at him.
"Oh, just that we both got 100% on the math test yesterday!" Sero exclaimed, and i smiled.
"Was that supposed to be a secret..?" Bakugo scoffed.
"Nah, it just means you have two make-up tests."
"Shit, right.
"You're coming both coming back tomorrow, right?" I interjected.
"Nah. I'll still be here tomorrow, Kirishima is though." Bakugo glanced at him.
"Oh. Nice! When will you go back then?"
"Probably the day after. Have you guys had any homework this week?"
"No, cause of the tests." Sero responded. Bakugo nodded, and moved closer to the wall on his bed.
"Anyways, do you guys know what Mina's been up to? I've tried talking to her about it, but she just ignores me." Kirishima said, frowning.
"Nope, she's been ignoring us too. She's always glaring at us. It's scary!" I responded.
"Girls are always kinda scary when they glare at you." Sero groaned.
"Huh. Did she come with you?" Kirishima looked at me and Sero.
"Oh, uh. Yeah. She went to her room though." I said, slowly.
"Great. Im gonna go talk to her." Kirishima responded, standing up.
"What? She'll just ignore you, though!" Sero exclaimed.
"And? Problems wont get solved if she keeps ignoring me." He said, talking towards the door. "I'll be back." Kirishima said, closing the door behind him. Me and Sero exchanged looks, then we both decided to follow him.
"We'll be back, Bakugo!" Sero said, getting up, and walking out into the hallway.
"Whatever." He grumbled, and i followed behind Sero.
Well. Let's hope this doesn't go completely wrong.
Kirishima's P.O.V
I walked quickly to Ashido's room, since it was just on the other hallway. I didn't notice Kaminari and Sero behind me until i got to her door.
"If you wanted to come with me you could've just said so." I teased.
"We wanna make sure you don't get yelled at without backup!" Kaminari said, smiling.
I smiled back, and looked at her door. I took a deep breath, and knocked.

Pop rocks! [BHNA Kiribaku fanfic.] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now