Chapter three: 112 degree fever

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Bakugo's P.O.V
Shit. Why have i been thinking about that dumbass all day? I've been worring non-stop if he passed that stupid test. What the hell is this feeling?? My heart starts to pound whenever i think about him, and-
My thoughts were interrupted by Bird Brains bumping into me, we were in the UA hallway, to lunch.
"Oh, Sorry. My bad." He said, backing up a bit.
"It's fine." I grumble.
"Are you okay? You're really red..."
I looked at him,confused, and felt my own forehead. My forehead felt like it was on fire.
"Oh, Fuck.." I mumble.
"You should head to recovery girl. She's right down the hallway." He directed me, pointing at a specific door.
"Thanks, I guess." I sigh, and started walking. I've had this fever all day and i never noticed? I was so fuckin' worried about Kirishima, i didn't notice how hot i was. I walked into Recovery Girls office, and she looked up at me, and immediately noticed my red face.
"Sit down on the bed, Im gonna get a thermometer." Recovery girl said, pointing at a bed. I sat down on the bed, and waited. She eventually made her way to me, and checked everything.
"You have a 112 degree fever. How come you didn't let Mr. Aizawa know?" She sighed, leaving to put the thermometer away.I can't cuss infront of a teacher..
"Yeah. I didn't notice until Tokoyami told me i looked red." I explained, putting my legs onto the bed.
"You relax. Im going to tell your teacher you wont be attending lunch or the rest of class today." She said, getting up, and heading to her desk, which was away from the bed. I took this chance to lay down properly, suddenly feeling extremely cold.

Kirishima's P.O.V
I sighed in relief as i walked out of the classroom. I got a 98% on the test! I need to show Bakugo! I rush into the hallway, passing Tokoyami on my way. I stop, and turn around to catch up to him.
"Hey, Tokoyami!" I called, and he stopped, turning to face me.
"Have you seen Bakugo? I, uh, need to talk to him." I coughed.
"I have. He's gone to recovery girls room with a fever."
"Oh? Really? Im gonna go check on him! Thank you!" I said, smiling. He nodded, and i rushed off, eventually getting to Recovery girls room. I attempted to open the door, but it opened before i could touch it.
"Im going to go, It's my lunch break." Recovery girl said, looking back at Bakugo. She turned to me, smiling, then she was off, to the teachers lab i presume. I walked in, and smiled at Bakugo.
"Hey, Bakubro! How are you feeling?" I walked over to him, Bakugo had an ice pack on his forehead, but he wasn't under the blankets like he was supposed to be.
"Shitty." Was his response, and I chuckled.
"You should probably get under the covers, it'll make you feel alot better!" I smiled, sitting down on a stool. I still had the folder with my history test in it.
"I fuckin' know i should, But they fuckin' reek!" He exclaimed.
"What? They haven't been washed?"
"Hell no."
"Oh." I frowned slightly, getting up, and removing the sheet from under him.
"The fuck?" He said, looking at me. "You could've just asked me to get up."
I shrugged, folding it, and putting it on a different bed. I sniffed one, and it surprisingly smelled like sweet peppermint. Smiling, i walked back over to Bakugo.
"Here, this one is better." He took it from my hands, and angrily threw it over himself, turning away from me.
"I got a 98% on my history test, so im gonna leave it here so you can look at." I grabbed the paper from my folder, laid it on the end of the bed. "I'll see you later, Bakugo! I'm teaming up with Mina instead, if that's okay." I heard him mumble, 'That's fine,' and i walked off.

--Near the end of the day.--

Bakugo's P.O.V.
I woke up from my nap, and i still didn't feel any better. I sighed, turning onto my back. I fell asleep after Shitty hair left, and that's when i heard what sounded like rushing people, and quite a bit of coughing. Shocking me out of my dazed state, I shot up as Deku and Mina held Kirishima, who was coughing violently.

Pop rocks! [BHNA Kiribaku fanfic.] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now