Chapter nine: Power's out.

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Bakugo's P.O.V
Me and Kirishima have just been talking all day.It's around 1 right now, and storming outside. My fever's gotten worse, so im bedridden. It's been three days since the incident with Ashido, and Kirishima's supposed to go to school tomorrow, which is fuckin' great. Meaning i'll be here all day, bored out of my fucking mind. Is it bad that i'll miss him? Of course not, he's probably my closest friend right now.
"Anyway, I don't wanna go back to class tomorrow..." Kirishima complained.
"I'm gonna be fuckin bored tomorrow."
"I'll be more bored, i'll be learning about math and stuff again."
"At least you'll be occupied."I grumbled.
"I guess.." Kirishima sighed, and got up. "I'm gonna go get a snack. Want anything?"
"I want spicy ramen."
"Dude, that'll mess up your stomach."
"Whatever. Don't whine to me when your stomach hurts." And with that, he left to go get my and his food. I sat up, looking at the end of the bed. Why the fuck do i care so much about this loser? It can't possibly be love. And even if it was, he wouldn't fucking like me back. Could he?
"Fuck.." I mumbled aloud. "Why do feelings have to be so complicated?"
After about 10 minutes of listening to the rain, Kirishima came back.
"It's raining alot harder then i remember." He said, walking over to the end of the bed, handing me my noodles on the way to the spot.
"Yeah. I just hope the power doesn't go-" Fuck. Just as I said it, the power across the campus went out.
"Aw, man!" Kirishima exclaimed, setting his bowl down. What did he make again..? Anyway.
"Im going to get a candle from my room." He said, walking out for a bit, and returned with a rose vanilla candle, and held it up to my hand. "Can you light it?" Kirishima asked, giving me a stupid smile.
"Whatever." I activated an explosion, which lit the candle.
"Thanks!" He walked over to the end, scooting up to me, and put the candle in his lap, illuminating the both of us.
"The rest of the nerds will probably come back here once the power comes back." I said, taking a bite of my noodles.

Ashido's P.O.V
Me and Hagakure were talking, since Mr. Aizawa hasn't started the lesson yet.I was actually gonna ask her to help me, when, out of nowhere, the power goes out.
"Uggh.." Aizawa groaned, then headed to the door. "Don't destroy the classroom. I'll be right back." He walked out, slamming the door behind him.
"Great.. Power outage." Hagukure grumbled.
"We'll probably be let out early! Which brings me to ask you something." I said, smiling.
"What is it?"
"I was wondering if you could help me with something."
"What's something?"
"Oh, uh. I'm trying to keep Kirishima safe, and it looks like Bakugo is keeping him at the dorm with him. I want to make sure he's not doing anything weird to or with him." To be honest, it took me awhile to make up that lie.
"What? Really?!"
"I'll help you, as long it doesn't mean i have to sneak into their room and stuff."
"Actually... That's what i was gonna ask you to do first." I chuckled nervously.
"Why?! That's invasion of privacy!"
"But I just need to know at least what one of their conversations are like!"
"If it's just one.. then maybe."
"Gr-" Mr. Aizawa's untimely entrance interrupted our conversation.
"You all will be staying until after the storms over. And according to the news, it won't let up until 6 tonight. You'll be allowed to talk to other classrooms, just stay on the floor.We'll have to send at least 2 of you to go check on Bakugo and Kirishima though." He announced.
This is great.

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