Chapter two: About the history test...

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Kirishima's P.O.V-
Today, i payed extra attention in class, but i still ended up getting help from Bakugo. My nerves were over the roof about this test! That's not very manly, huh?
"So, how did i do?" I smiled at Bakugo, proud cause i think i did good.
"Hm." He scanned the paper, occasionally looking over at the textbook we were assigned.
"..What? Did i not do good?" I frowned slightly, then he looked at me, shrugging.
"Not bad, 25 out of 28. You didn't fill in those two."
"Really?!" I said in excitement, then Bakugo handed me the paper. I quickly scanned over it.
"Yeah. Don't fuckin' screw up on the test like that. " He stated, looking madder then usual.  I furrowed,and looked at the paper. Did i ever say how scary it is to face an angry Bakugo? I would've been met with a barrage of angry cussing if i got any more wrong. That's not very manly thinking if you ask me. To snap me out of my thinking, Bakugo snapped his fingers. Shocked, i looked up at him.

Bakugo's P.O.V-

"Yeah, Don't fuckin' screw up on the test like that." I stated, obviously mad he skipped the easiest questions. Kirishima looked down at the paper. That wasn't too mean.. right? Of fuckin' course not! Don't be so fuckin' nice to him, he's in high school just like you, dumbass! I thought to myself, and snapped to get Kirishima to look up at me, and as i thought, he did.
"You do know those two were the easiest questions, right? Why the hell would you skip them?" I declared.
"Oh, uh." He looked away again. "Guess i forgot about them! Not very manly, huh?" Kirishima looked at me again.
"Whatever." I spat, and looked him in the eye. For some reason, he quickly turned away. What the fuck?

Kirishima's P.O.V-

"Whatever." Bakugo said, and he looked me in the eye. Someway, Somehow, i got flustered and quickly. Why? To somehow make this small, but embarrassing, moment, I changed the topic.
"Anyways!!" I blurted out. That wasn't manly. "I think we have hero practice tomorrow, and it's in teams. If it is," I smiled at Bakugo. "Do you think we could be partners?! I think we'd make a great team!" I pounded my fists together, and activated my quirk in my hands.Bakugo searched my face for any hint if i was joking or not, and then sighed, and folded his arms.
"Sure, whatever.Not like there's anyone else to be partners with." He mumbled.
"Cool!" I gushed. Not in a lovey kind of way, though. Although i wouldn't mind it being in a lovey way.. wait, what?! That's not manly at all!!! Bakugo looked at me again, as i put my arms down and deactivated my quirk. Bakugo scratched the back of his head.
"Anyway,Are you gonna get the fuck out? I meed some fuckin' sleep, you've already kept me up a half hour past when i'm supposed be asleep." He growled.
"Like a bedtime?" I questioned.
"Shut the hell up and get out!" Bakugo yelled at me, while i laughed. I grabbed my papers, and walked out.
"See you tomorrow, Bakugo!" I told him, then walked off, closing the door in front of me.

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