Chapter eight: I need a favor.

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Ashido's P.O.V.
I stormed off, wiping the small tears that were falling down my face. Why did he ignore me? I just want to keep Kirishima safe! I don't want him hanging around some crazed lunatic! I need someone to talk to. Normally, I'd talk to Hagakure about these kinds of things, but should i tell her what i want to do? No, she's too nice. I couldn't rely on her. Maybe i can talk to Jirou.. she'll understand, right? I'll text her.

(🎵Jirou🎵) is online.

(Hey Jirou! Can we talk?)
(Sure, come to my
(Nice! TYSM❗️❗️)

I smiled down at my phone, and took the Elevator to Jirous room. I wiped my tears fully, and made my way to her room. I knocked on the door and a couple minutes later, Jirou opened it.
"Hey, what did you want to talk about?" She said, smiling at me.
"I think it'd be better if i go in to talk." I admitted.
"Oh, sure." She let me in, and I went to her bed, and sat on the edge. "Now, What is it?"
"Well, it's about Kirishima and Bakugo."
"Yeah.." Jirou locked the door, and walked over, sitting next to me.
"I thought they were dating. But, when i asked, they turned down every way possible! And Sero and Kaminari defended them!"
"Well, it's not your business to know. That's personal, and common sense not to ask."
"I know, but i don't want my best friend since middle school to actually fall in love with a hotheaded bum that yells at everyone!"
"I understand how you feel, but that's-" I cut her off.
"So, I need something from you!"
"I need you to create a reason why Kirishima shouldn't even like Bakugo!"
"What!? No way!! I don't want to interfere with their relationship!"
"Please, please, pleeeassee!! I'll return the favor, promise!!" I begged. I really need this favor from her!
"I said, No way! Im not gonna get dragged into your mess." Jirou said, and as soon as i went to say something, i was shoved out of the room. Great.

Kirishima's P.O.V
I can't believe this. Why would Mina ask that? I don't think Bakugo would ever want to date me..
"What the fuck has gotten into your friend?" Bakugo grumbled at me. His condition has gotten worse since Mina left.
"I.. I don't know." I was basically speechless.
"If she's so fuckin' persistent about us dating, maybe you shouldn't come to my room as often." He stated. For some reason, that sentence hurt me. Why? I don't understand.
"I guess so." I sighed. "Are we supposed to go to school tomorrow?"
"I don't think so. If Aizawa said we're both sick, I don't think they'd fuckin' expect us at school tomorrow too."
"I guess so. Have you checked your temperature?"
"Alright then." I got up, and grabbed the thermometer off the nightstand. "Should i check it for you?" I said, smiling.
"What?! Just give me the fucking thermometer."
"Fine, fine." I gave Bakugo the thermometer, and he put it under his tongue. Once it beeped, he gave it to me. I wiped the tip of the thermometer with a tissue, and looked at the temperature. "It went up. To 112.5." I said, sighing.
"Shit.." He mumbled.
"Do you want me to go so you can relax?"
"N-No.." Bakugo muttered. He was blushing, i think. I probably shouldn't say anything.
"Oh? Okay." I smirked, and sat down on the floor, so Bakugo could have his space.
"What time is it?" He asked me.
"Sometime around 5:30. You probably shouldn't nap if you want some sort of dinner."
"I guess your right, shitty hair." I smiled, and looked down at my phone.

Pop rocks! [BHNA Kiribaku fanfic.] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now