Chapter six: Do you trust me?

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Mina's (Ashido) P.O.V
Class was sooo boring today! Bakugo and Kirishima were out sick, so me, Kaminari and Sero had to figure out something to do on our own. Me and Uraraka were talking on our way back from lunch, when I noticed Kirishima and Bakugo going into a nearby Forest. It was still on campus, so technically, they aren't in trouble. It's just stupid if you're sick. I wanted to go catch up to them, but i've already missed enough lessons. Sighing, i turn my attention to Uraraka again.

Kirishima's P.O.V
I left my room, dressed for the day. I went back over to Bakugo's room, and found him dressed properly too. Bakugo's fever went down a whole bunch, it was now at 103 degrees. He said it was fine for him to walk around and stuff now, although i wanted him to lay down again. He was dressed his skull shirt with a leather jacket on over it, and his light wash ripped jeans. I was just in a red shirt with a tan unzipped jacket, along with my tan shorts and red crocs. Bakugo didn't seem too impressed with my crocs, and i didn't bother with my hair. Then, we were off.

Bakugo's P.O.V.
I led Kirishima off campus, and to a nearby lake. I had something in particular i wanted to talk about with him. We were in a forest, walking along a small stream. Then we found a place to rest, which would be my only chance to ask him this.
"Yeah?" He looked over at me, but i remained my eyes set on the bug on the branch in front of me.
"Do you trust me?"
"What? Of course i do."
"Do you trust me with your life?"
"I..Bakugo. Of course i do, We've been best friends for the longest time. What made you say that?"
I looked away. "Nothing in particular. I just wanted to know."
"Bakugo, tell me the truth." Kirishima said suddenly, and sternly.
"I fucking told you. It's nothing." I looked right at him.
"I said the same thing earlier, I you could i tell i was lying. And you're doing the same thing to me." He argued. He made a good point.
"I guess you're fucking right." I grumbled,scratching the back of my neck, sighing.
"I'll tell you later, it sounds fucking stupid if i tell you now. Im feeling sick." I told him, standing up. Truth was, I just didn't want to tell him, cause it sounded stupid. Nothing was fuckin' wrong, i just needed to know. I was planning on taking him down to a river, but the bridge was only sturdy enough for one person to cross, and for it to break, would be almost immediate death. "Let's go."

Ashido's P.O.V
I rushed out of class once it was over, Kaminari and Sero behind me. We all talked at lunch, joking about if Kirishima and Bakugo are dating. It was nothing more then jokes! Until, we made this whole conspiracy about it! We made it to our dorms, and decided to change out of our Uniforms first, then meet up by Bakugo's door. Once Kaminari and Sero were both here, I knocked on the door, and sure enough, Kirishima answered.

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