Chapter Four: Fucking FUMING.

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Kirishima's P.O.V
I was being rushed to Recovery girl's room. While me and Mina were fighting against Deku and Uraraka, and Deku caught me by surprise, and kicked my back pretty hard, a perfect blind spot! But, unfortunately, i've had problems with being attacked like that in the past. First, I didn't think much would happen, until I almost fainted from the wind being knocked put of me. For a bit, i couldn't breathe, and Deku immediately apologized, and got Mina to help me out to Recovery girl. However, i didn't start coughing like i was until i entered the office. They rushed me to the bed next to Bakugo's, the one's sheet i took, and Mina left to go find Recovery girl. Deku helped me breathe again, After apologizing furiously. I was in such a state of shock, i didn't notice Bakugo was staring right at me.

Bakugo's P.O.V
What the fuck? Kirshima burst in with Deku and Mina, and Deku sat him down on the bed while Mina left. I didn't realize I was staring right at them until Kirishima looked up at me. He was still in his Hero costume.
"What. The fuck?"
"Kacchan, I can explain what's going on, you just can't get mad at me."
"Midoriya, He's gonna get mad no matter what." Through his coughs, Kirishima managed to say.And he was right, i was fuckin' fuming.
"What the fuck?! I was gone for one little fucking class period, and Kirishima comes in, coughing his damn lungs out!? What the hell happened?!" I yelled. Deku seemed anxious to answer.
"W-Well, We were doing our training fights, and Me and Uraraka were paired with Kirshima and Ashido to fight against each other. They were about to beat us, but i managed to get behind Kirishima, which was a blind spot for him. I accidentally k-kicked him a bit too hard, and he collapsed.I didn't think that it would do much!! Honest!!" Deku explained. I assume my anger was extremely apparent, because of how much he started cowering. I was going to go over to yell at him, but Kirishima started coughing alot worse.
"Fuckin' Deku!" I yelled, and Mina came in with Recovery girl.
"Language," She said, and i snuck in a quick, 'Sorry.' and then Recovery girl made her way over to Kirishima, with Deku moving out of the way. Her attempts to get him to breathe again were working, from what i could see. His breathing pattern was on a steady one-two beat, and then she turned to Deku and Mina after he was breathing.
"Can one of you explain what happened to get his breathing so irregular?!" Recovery girl shouted, and Deku quickly explained what happened. I was trying to keep my temper in check as he explained one more time. More importantly, why the fuck am i so upset about this?!
Deku and Mina left afterword, and I stayed until Kirishima was ready to go. It was after school at this point, so we had to go back to our dorms, even with the injuries. We made our way back, pausing a couple times so we, specifically me, could catch my breath. But, after a bit, we both made it the the dorm.

Kirishima's P.O.V
After a painfully slow walk, we both made it to the dorms. Midoryia looked pained as he sat down on the couch, talking to Todoroki as he sat. I assume he was explaining what happened. He didn't notice Bakugo and I walking in, but Todoroki did. I waved to him, and me and Bakugo headed upstairs, to his room, which was also a painfully long climb. But, without injury, we both made it to his room. Bakugo flopped onto the bed, and i shut the door. He immediately curled up into a ball, covering himself with a blanket. I sighed, and sat down on the edge, coughing a bit.
"That attack Midoriya did was pretty cool! It sucks that my lungs suck though. Im not sure, especially with everything i've been doing, that small kick effected me the most." I mumbled.
"That dumbass shouldn't be attacking you like that in the first place, and just let you win, This never would've fucking happened." Bakugo sighed. It was sort of strange how much he cared about this small thing though. I decided not to ask about it though, although i probably should've. I slumped down on the end of his bed, and then scooted close to the wall. Luckily, Bakugo had wrapped the whole blanket around him, so i didn't sit on it. It sat with my head in my arms for a bit, too tired to make small talk. I just wanted sleep. But, i should probably head into my room if i want to sleep...but, without realizing i was, i eventually and slowly fell asleep.

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