Chapter 1

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She looked around to find where her rescuer had gone off to after saving her from the group of thugs. She jumped to see him hanging upside down when she heard his voice, "You have a nag for getting into trouble." She chuckled as she stepped closer to him, "You have a nag for saving me. I think I might have a superhero stalker." He shrugged a bit, "I was just in the neighborhood that's all."

Y/n looked at the boy in the red and blue clad suit. Stepping forward, she began to pull the mask off his face starting from his neck, "You're amazing and you deserve to be rewarded for saving me so many times." His voice stopped her from pulling down the mask any farther when it went in between his nose and his lips.

She saw his lips parted slightly in the cold rain of Queens, New York. His breath was obvious in the cold, rainy air. She took a step closer to him and gently grabbed one side of his face. "I guess I can accept this gift from my number one fan." He said as he copied the same gesture but to the opposite side of her face, gently rubbing the fresh scar on her face. He felt bad for not getting there in time to make sure that she came out of the incident unscathed. The two of them leaned in closer to each other until lips collided into a single kiss.

Y/n woke up in the middle, more near the end, of her math class to the sound of her teacher calling out the name of a student in the class. She let out a sigh of relief when she looked around to verify that she was the one that was in trouble. A chuckle then escaped her lips when she saw that it was Peter Parker that got called on when he wasn't paying attention.

She looked up at the board for the equation that was asked to be solved by the brunet boy beside her. She scribbled it down and solved it herself to make sure that the answer inside of her head was correct. When Peter was looking up at the board to speak to the teacher about 6the equation, she looked at his computer screen to see that there was a video of Spider-man pulled up on his laptop.

She felt her cheeks flush a bit as the thought of Spider-man came into her mind. She pondered for just a few minutes, slipping out of reality into her own mind. Was Spider-man the guy in her dream? The one that had supposedly saved her in the dream. No, it couldn't have been. It was only just a dream in her mind. Or maybe it was one of her freaky dreams that actually became a reality.

She wished that she had an explanation for those dreams. She checked with her mother that there was no one else in the family with the weird premonitions of her life. But there was nothing on her mother's side, and she couldn't do any digging on her father's side of the family.

It was ten minutes before the class ended and the teacher clapped her hands together. "Alright, everyone. Attention everyone! I need your attention, please and thank you." Peter and Y/n's gazes both turned towards the teacher. The teacher never really did this in class. So it was going to be a surprise either way for everyone.

"I will be letting you all leave early for your next class. Especially all of you in the Chemistry class next period. As per requested, by said teacher." Everyone rose from their seat to leave the class. Y/n didn't bother to put her math notebook in her backpack. She was just going to put it away in her next class.

Unlike Y/n, Peter had shoved all of his materials into his backpack and sped out of the classroom. This earned an estranged look from the h/c girl herself. It was only recently that she noticed that Peter was constantly hurrying from place to place, as though as there was someplace important that he had to be.

Not that it mattered to her anyway, he also seemed to be more out of it when they were in class. Which helped her case for the fact they had been rivals in their academics for years. For her, she felt it was more fierce in more recent years. Especially since she found out that he got an internship for Stark Industries. It wasn't fair in her mind, she was just as smart as him.

Rivals In Science or Partners In Romance? (Peter Parker/Spider-Man X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now