Chapter 4

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Peter Parker woke up bright and early the next day, and goes through his usual routine. He got out of bed, got into the shower, got dressed, and ate breakfast with his Aunt May. He walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. His aunt looked over at him, "You seem a little more eager than your average eagerness that has been more eager since that Stark Retreat." Peter looked at his aunt with a look of confusion, "That sentence makes almost no sense this early in the morning, May."

His aunt shrugged as she placed down his breakfast in front of him. "Well, either way, eat up. We don't want to be late." He had his phone set on the table and he kept waiting for a text message to appear, glancing over at the screen with every bite of his food. He shrugged and decided to let it go so that he could finish his breakfast.

When he finished his food, he scrapped the few remaining pieces of his breakfast before he placed the plate in the sink. He rinsed the plate and kissed his aunt on the cheek before he grabbed his backpack. He then heard his text tone go off and after slinging his backpack on, he slid into the kitchen and snagged his cell phone. He looked at his text with a hopeful look on his face.

He looked to see that it was just a text from Ned that said he was going to be at school early so he didn't have to walk with him there. He sighed as he clicked the screen off. He looked at his aunt and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I'm heading out now. I'll talk to you later. Thanks for breakfast, by the way." He walked out of the door and led his way into the stairwell. He heard the door from the floor above open and he waited for a minute to see if it was Y/n that had come through the door. He smiled when he saw her walk down the stairs.

She was looking down at her phone, he stepped a bit to the side to block her way. She didn't bother to look away from her phone. He took a closer look to see that she was wearing earbuds. He stepped in front of her way and she ran into him. She looked up at him with an apologetic look that then turned in one of annoyance. "Are you seriously stalking me now?" She asked as she pulled out her earbuds.

"I am not stalking you. I just happen to have a lot of similarities in my schedule as you." He said as he subconsciously synced his own step with hers. She rolled her eyes as he continued talking. "Also, you never sent me the plans for the project." Her eyes widened in realization, "Oh Shigaraki is the grandchild of All Might's teacher.." Peter looked at her, "Okay, two things. Number one, you forgot, didn't you? And number two, don't tell that is actually true from My Hero Academia.."

She turned to look at him and let out an apology. "Okay, two things. One, I didn't have your phone number. You never sent me a message to make sure I had it. Two, I am actually super sorry. I didn't think you were a geek on these things." He sighed and then smiled at her before he pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent her a text that was just the three most recent emojis that he used. The emojis were a spider, a smiley face, and a thumbs up.

Y/n looked at the message and then looked at him with a raised eyebrow look, a little similar to the one that The Rock has. "Why these emojis?" She asked thinking that there was a deeper meaning to them. He shrugged as they made it to the bottom of the stairwell and said 'Milady' in an accent similar to a French native. He opened the door for her and he gave a bow that a waiter might give if you were at a fancy restaurant.

She chuckled as she walked through the door, but then she internally scolded herself for that. She told herself in her head, "Y/n. You are mad at him. You are supposed to surpass him and be greater than him. You can't do that if you are friends with him." She then had the idea in her head to run her own mental experiment. Try and see what her true feelings were. She didn't always hate him, she used to like Peter way back when they were in elementary school. But then the science fair came along and she just couldn't stand to like him anymore.

Peter looked over at her and just kept looking at her, he felt like he was staring for too long. He waited another minute or so to look away, but he didn't actually look away until Y/n looked over at him. She didn't say anything as they kept walking to school. That is how most of their walk carried on. Y/n deep in her own thoughts on what to do with Peter and her feelings, and the boy himself. He just kept staring at her whenever she wasn't looking at him.

"So when do you think that we can work together on the project?" He asked as they got closer to their school. She flicked through her phone a bit and he thought that she was ignoring him until she answered his question. "I have to work tonight but I do get off at 8 o'clock and then I work until ten after school every day this week except for Friday. But yeah. We can do it tonight and Friday for sure." Peter nodded, "You work? Where do you work?"

She turned her head and looked at him, "I work part-time at Delmar's Deli-Grocery." He pretended to have a surprised look on his face as looked at her, "You work at Delmar's? The best place in Queens for their sandwiches?" She nodded her head and then smirked. "Yeah. One of these days, we are going to be serving Spider-Man." He raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face, "Oh really?"

"I owe him, he saved from a creepy guy last night. I said I would give him a free sandwich." She said with a tad bit of excitement. As if she couldn't wait for her hero to come to see her for his sandwich. "Well, I can pick you up after you shift and then we can work on the project at your place for a while." She froze just before they reached the steps of the school. She turned her head to look at him, "Do you think that we could do it at your place?" Her voice was filled with anxiety and fear.

He didn't question it at the time and then he gave her a nod, "Yeah. That shouldn't be a problem. Aunt May would love to have you over." Y/n gave a small smile as the two of them walked into school. "I am gonna head to my locker. I will see you later." She waved a quick wave goodbye. "Woah, she is actually talking to you? What happened?" Ned said right behind Peter, surprisingly scaring the boy.

He turned and faced Ned, "We're partners for the science fair project." He said as he watched Y/n messing with stuff inside of her locker. She was talking to someone that was standing beside her locker. Ned looked in the direction that Peter was and then pointed to the two people, "I am working with the girl beside her. Michelle Jones. I don't know what we are doing quite yet."

Peter leaned to the side, closer to Ned. "We should probably stop staring now." Ned nodded and simply replied with a yes. Peter began to look away when he saw that Michelle had left. He then heard a slam on the lockers, he thought it was the usual. But when he looked over and saw Flash Thompson pushing her against the lockers. He couldn't look away from this and do nothing about it.

The whole point of him being Spider-Man was to be standing up for the little guys, or well girls, or yeah. He walked over to Flash and looked at him, "Leave her alone." Flash looked at him and let her go. "Aww... Did Penis Parker come to protect his little girlfriend." Y/n glared at Flash and said, "I'm not his girlfriend." Flash shoved her back into the lockers.

Peter glared and then shoved Flash himself, which caused the crowd around them to 'ooh' and 'ahh.' Flash looked at him and attempted to throw a punch at him, but thanks to Peter's spidey senses, he dodged it with ease. Flash continued to punch while Peter continued to dodge until Flash's fist landed against the locker with a boom.

Flash looked at his fist and as he was, Peter grabbed Y/n and bolted to their first class of the day. When they walked into their first class and quickly sat down at a random seat. Both of them breathing a bit heavily as Y/n looked at him. "Thanks." Peter looked at her. Y/n's words were soft and quiet to anyone else but him. He looked at her and asked her to repeat her words.

"I said thanks. Flash has been basically torturing me for years. So I appreciate you standing up for me. You're not as bad as I thought you were." She definitely said the last part in a much quieter tone. All he did was smile as the bell rang and they began to pay attention in class.

The two of them didn't really talk for the rest of the school day. They walked with each other to class, small talk at lunch, and goodbyes at the end of the day. Both of them waiting to meet up at Delmar's Deli-Grocery later that night.

I want to thank all of my readers for your support of this story. I really appreciate it. I think that this will be my most in-depth story that I will write in my current way of life. So I am glad to know that you are all enjoying it and letting it be known to me. I love all of you. Stay cute!

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