Chapter 11

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Peter sat in the front seat of his aunt's car. Ned was also there in the back seat. They were parked in front of Liz's house. May was talking about how she remembered something from when she was younger. She then complimented Ned's hat, "Thanks. It gives me confidence." Peter mumbled that this was a mistake as he felt doubt bubble up inside of him. He turned to his aunt and suggested that they go home.

May then began to go off into a speech about growing up and change. She and Ned talked about him being stressed about parties and then Peter got out of the car. Ned followed behind and waved goodbye to May.

As the two nerds began up the walkway, Ned asked Peter if he had the suit. Peter flashed him a bit of the suit. Ned smiled as the two of them walked into the house. Ned began to go off into how they were gonna have Spider-Man come into the party. Then they heard Michelle's voice as she was talking to Y/n. The boys looked over at them

"So you're telling me that you just kissed Spider-Man!" Michelle exclaimed as she stood by the snack table. This seemed like it was the 50th time that Michelle had said this. Y/n shrugged nervously, "I don't know what came over me. But I do like him I have done research on what little information there is on him." Her friend then rolled her eyes, "You need to make a decision between Arachnid-Boy and Peter Parker.."

"But Peter likes Liz. He said he was coming to her party tonight, and bringing Spider-Man... He wouldn't do that for me. He probably thinks that I am just his friend. Michelle then looked up at the two boys and casually spoke to them as she put a spread on a bagel, "Can't believe you guys are at this lame party. "

Ned gave her a confused look as she continued to prep her bagel. "But aren't you here at the party?" Michelle looked at him curiously, "I don't know, am I?" She stuck the bagel into her mouth and pulled off to somewhere else in the party.

Liz then approached the two of them and smiled, "Hey guys! I am so glad that you came!" She noticed Ned's hat sent a compliment as well. "Well, there is pizza and drinks. Help yourself." Peter nervously nodded, obviously flustered, "Yeah, this is a great party." The two of them smiled at each other until Liz dismissed herself to make sure nothing was broken after a sudden noise.

Ned looked at Peter and took a deep breath. "I have a couple of things to say." He then slapped Peter's arm, "You kissed Y/n!" Ned almost telling the entire school. Peter didn't say anything as his face flushed. Ned pulled him to the side, "Why do you keep pursuing Liz? It's obvious that you two are crazy about each other. Just admit it! She obviously likes Spider-Man and I've been telling you that she is totally crazy about you. Since she's here... Why don't you just spider it up and swing in."

Peter shook his head, "No. Spider-Man is not a party trick. I'm just... Gonna be myself." Ned looked at him with a look of disgust, "Ew. No one wants that Peter.." Peter looked at him with a shocked face, "Dude.." Peter began to walk away and at that moment Flash noticed him.

"Penis Parker, what's up!?! So where's your pal Spider-Man? Lemme guess.. In Canada with your imaginary girlfriend? Nope, there is Y/n over there. Oh, wait that's not Spider-Man that's just Ned in a red shirt." After Flash said each of the sentences he would play the roasted air horn sound.

Peter got annoyed and then left to go to Liz's rooftop. He began to strip down to his 'nice suit' as he looked over the party. He began to go over what he would say after he swung into the party.. He saw everyone having a good time. He noticed Y/n casually dancing with Michelle. "God, this is stupid. He then looked at Ned as he was waiting for his friend to swing in.

In his peripherals, he saw a bright flash of light in the distance. He looked at the party and then looked back in the direction of the blast. He knew what he had to do. He looked at the party just once more to see Y/n near the DJ station. He attempted to swing off and made it across a couple of houses.

He then landed on a vast golf course and shot out some webs. "This sucks!!" He groaned as he began to run across the course. It was weird for him not to be using his webs. He made it to the source of the blast.

He saw that there were two guys standing outside of a van. One had some high-tech looking weapon in his hand and he sent off another blast towards a car that looked like it was falling apart. The other guy seemed to be shocked, "Dude. I just need to stick up somebody.. Not shoot them back in time."

"Well, we got a bunch of other great stuff..." The tech guy began to list off a bunch of things as Spider-Man began to climb down the side of the bridge silently. Some other guy came out of the van and looked at the first seller guy, "You letting off shots in public now? Just hurry up. Times are changing and we are the only one selling these kinds of weapons." After hearing this, this made Spider-Man think that this is where those ATM robbers had gotten their tech.

The seller guy continued to list off different weapons and tech. The buyer didn't seem interested until the tech guy mentioned something along the lines of anti-grav climbers. Spider-Man was going to listen in on more but his phone rang with a yodeling ringtone. This caused the other guys to be alarmed.

Spider-Man checked his phone to see that it was Ned calling him. He actually answered the phone and tried to say that he couldn't talk. But then he heard Ned gave him a complaint about how the hat wasn't working and he needed to hurry up. He then said holy shit and hung up the phone.

To fill in of what happened over the phone on Ned's end, while Peter goes went to deal with the mishap of the arms dealers. While Ned had been trying to get a distress call to Peter, Y/n had been glaring at Flash as he kept making fun of Ned and wondering where Peter was, as well as his pal Spider-Man. She glared at him more as she approached the DJ's table.

Flash pouted at her, "Whatcha gonna do now, Y/n? Your little boyfriend isn't here to save you. Or Spider-Man." She rolled her eyes, "Spider-Man has better things to do then to come deal with assholes like you. Plus I don't need either one of them here to do this" Flash chuckled and he then rolled his eyes before he received a swift punch to the gut.

He crumpled to the ground, glad that she had just missed down below. She smirked as she walked away from him and went to go get herself a bagel. After the punch that was when Ned had an actual 'holy shit' moment before he quickly spoke into the phone and hung up.

Ned had looked at Y/n as she chatted with Michelle, just casually eating her bagel. He walked over to the two of them. "That was amazing! You just punched him!" Y/n shrugged as she took a break from her bagel to take a sip of soda.

Ned then looked at her and he was casual as he said, "So.. How long have you liked Peter?" The sudden question made her lose her cool as she spat out her soda. She looked at him, coughing as Michelle patted her back.

"I. Well, I don't like Peter... Not in that way. We're just friends. Partners in the science fair at most." She said as she wiped soda away from her mouth. "So do you like Spider-Man? Cause rumor has it that you have had several encounters with him.." She spat her soda out at him again.

She began to blubber and Michelle pulled her away from Ned. Michelle then looked at Y/n, "I think Ned knows something about Spider-Man's identity." Y/n shook her head in disbelief. "There is no way that Peter is Spider-Man." She said as she began to think about it. 

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