Chapter 15

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Spider-man looked up at the Washington Monument. His friends and his crush were trapped up there and he had to save them. He began to look the building up and down, "Oh god. That's tall. But I got this, everything's going to be okay." He thwipped a web towards the building and then pulled on it to propel him forward. Then he began his ascent upwards on the monument.

Y/n was breathing heavily, and she began to freak out about everything. Was she going to die? Was she ever gonna see Peter again? She was panicking more by the second and she was beginning to panic more and more as she realized that all she had was Ned. Cause MJ was outside, and Ned knew Peter. And Peter was her best friend. She then decided against it when she saw Ned dropped his bag and the small space began to fill with smoke.

Someone decided to point out that there is a luminescent, red crack on the ceiling that was beginning to grow. Liz was trying to get everyone to calm down as Abe was essentially screaming that they were all going to die. Ned looked over to Y/n and realized that she was having a panic attack. He bent down and tried her best to calm her down.

Peter kept climbing up and he began to climb faster when he heard Karen speak, "There are estimately ten minutes until catastrophic failure. He could hear faint screams as the safety systems were failing. He kept climbing and climbing, going as fast he possibly could. He hurled himself upwards with double-stranded webbing. Karen told him, "You now have 125 seconds until catastrophic failure. He felt himself lose his grip, "What? Why?" Karen responded, "Unexpected motion has caused an acceleration in deterioration."

His suit showed him footage of park rangers rescuing some of the students, which caused the elevator to move. "How do I get in there?" He muttered. He then heard the whirring of a small drone. He looked down to see a spider-shaped robot flying and over the monument. "Proceed to the southwest for the optimal entry point." Karen's voice rang through his ears. He then began to climb to the window.

He reached the window and took a moment to take a deep breath, since he had never been this high before. He then tried to kick the window. "Why isn't it breaking?" He huffed in frustration. "It's a four-inch ballistic glass. You'll have to create more momentum."

With the sounds of helicopters closing in, he heard a crack in the window when he flung himself toward the glass after rappelling down the building, and then jumping and slamming into the window.

Y/n could hear the helicopters outside as people were being helped off of the elevator.

After hearing Mr. Harrington asking who was next to get off, she stepped forward. Then Flash pushed forward saying that it was his turn, not giving up the trophy for any reason. Ned reprimanded him, "Flash, are you kidding me? What do you think you're doing?" Flash managed to climb through the hatch.

Y/n began to panic even more as she felt the car continue to shake. Flash was trying to get a hold of the trophy. Once he had a hold of it, he handed it off to someone else who was safe. Her breath was quickening and her chest tightened even more.

She couldn't concentrate on her surroundings, everything seemed to be a blur. She couldn't visually concentrate, and everything sounded like it on a VHS tape and it was on rewind.

She heard glass break and felt everything beginning to fall. She began to scream as well as Liz and Ned. She was going to die, that was it. No homecoming, no winning the science fair, and never seeing Peter again. She took one last deep breath. But she didn't feel the crash.

She looked up to see Spider-Man was holding them up with a strand. Ned began to move around with joy, shaking the whole elevator. "Hey, big guy. I need you to stop moving around." He said as he began to pull up the elevator to one of the upper levels. "This is your stop guys. I need you guys to move it."

People were getting off and Y/n looked to Spider-man. "Is this safe?" She said as she began to reach out to Mr. Harrington. She then heard a snap and began to fall and then she stopped before falling and then suddenly she stopped. She looked up to see that she was dangling from a web.

Spider-Man pulled her up and held her by her waist as he began to hand her off to safety. She looked at him with a smile. "Thank you." She stepped onto the steady surface and looked to her hero.

Peter let out a sigh of relief, "Are you okay?" Y/n nodded, "Thanks to you." He then heard Karen in his ear, "This is your chance.. Kiss her." The two of them continued to hold their stare. Then the webbing snapped and he began to fall.

He saw everyone look down to see if he was okay. Mr. Harrington thanked him as he looked down the shaft before Flash's voice rang through the elevator shaft, "Are you really friends with Peter Parker?" He let out a sigh before he made his own escape so that he could join back with his class.

When Y/n got back outside, MJ hugged her tightly. "You're okay!" MJ exclaimed. "Yeah! Spider-Man showed up and saved us. He saved me from falling at the last minute." MJ just hugged her again. "Let's get back to the bus.
They began to walk over to the bus when she heard the footsteps running up to her. She turned to see Peter. "PETER!" She shouted before running towards him to hug him. He was caught off guard but he hugged her back.

When the two separated from their hug, Y/n punched him in the arm. He winced as he rubbed his arm. "That's for ditching us at the last minute." He nodded, "Yeah, I deserve that. But are you okay?" Y/n nodded, "Yeah. I am fine. Spider-Man saved me!" Peter tried to hold in the comment of 'I know.' But he just smiled and said that she was lucky.

Mr. Harrington then walked over, "Okay everyone! Back on the bus! We have to get you champions back to your families!" Everyone got back on the bus and got themselves settled into their seats from before.

Y/n stared at her phone texting MJ while she sat next to Peter. It was mostly about her going to tell him about the feelings that she has been harboring as of lately. She was pretty sure that Peter was knocked out cold beside her, so she knew that he wouldn't be reading over her shoulder.
She leaned over to him and kissed his cheek, "I like you." Her words were soft and sweet. Little did she know that he heard her words. She looked back to her phone before he opened his eyes with his face flushing.


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