Chapter 7

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Y/n had stayed at the Parker residence for the next couple of days until she thought that everything had calmed down at her house. For him, the day went pretty well. He gave Happy an update before school. School hadn't been too terrible so far. He had pissed off Flash Thompson earlier in math class. He had given the correct answer to a problem on the board after the teacher caught him not paying attention. So yeah, it kind of pissed Flash off. Ned said that he had gotten the Lego Death Star with like a lot of pieces. So not such a bad start to the day.

He now sat in science just paying enough attention to what to know what the teacher was saying to prepare them for the lab. He and Y/n were going to be done with this lab quickly when they were told what they were doing. He looked at his spidey notes to check what the chemical formula was for his webbing. He had the strange feeling that someone was watching him from behind. He shrugged it off and then glanced over to Y/n.

She was sitting beside him, sketching out more ideas for their project. The two of them had decided that they were basically going to make Baymax from Big Hero 6. They weren't going to actually to be re-creating Baymax. But they were going to be making a medical assistant that could help in natural disasters by providing basic first aid. It wouldn't do anything major because something could go wrong with anything, plus this is just a prototype. But it would provide the attention it would need. Plus, if there were any major problems then the assistant would stabilize the patient and contact authorities.

Not too much later, they began the experiment. Mix the proper amounts of certain chemicals to get the cool reaction from them. Then do the designated assignment for said Lab. The gifted children had finished the experiment not even ten minutes later, with Y/n now finishing up the notes that were given. The bell rang soon enough signaling lunch.

Peter sat next to Ned at lunch, the two of them were looking at Liz Toomes from across the room. "Did Liz get a new top?" Peter asked and Ned shook his head. "No, we've seen that before but never with that skirt." The two of them kept staring before Peter said, "We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though."

"It's too late," Michelle said as she looked over at the two of them. "You guys are losers." She said with a nonchalant look on her face. "Then why do you sit over here? Because you don't have any friends?" Y/n sat down across from MJ and looked at her. "What am I to you? Garbage." Michelle looked her head in the eye and just nodded. Y/n rolled her eyes and looked at the boys, "Seriously though, it is weird." Both of them looked at each other then the ladies rolled their eyes and said, "Boys."

Y/n and Peter walked to Delmar's and they made small talk about their project and what they can do to advance in their project. They made it to the store then Y/n walked into the back and he looked over at Mr. Delmar. "Hey. Can I get a number 5 and squish it down. He grabbed a couple of packs of gummy bears and set them on his counter. He smiled as he pet the cat on the counter.

Mr. Delmar looked a guy in the back and then he began to talk about his aunt in another language. Peter looked at him and then replied with "Yeah? How's your daughter doing?" Delmar looked at him and said "Ten." Peter looked at his and sighed, "What? It's five." Y/n walked out from the back room and took the five-dollar bill then proceeded to place it into the cash register.

She waved goodbye to Peter as he walked out of the store. Mr. Delmar looked at her with a cheeky look on his face. She looked at him and she had a slight blush on his face. "I know what you are gonna say. And no, I don't like him. He's just a friend. No, he's just my partner in the science, well rival, in school." Mr. Delmar raised his hands into the air and shrugged, "I didn't say anything." Y/n rolled her eyes as she sat down on the stool behind the front counter, and stared out onto the streets of New York.

Rivals In Science or Partners In Romance? (Peter Parker/Spider-Man X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now