Chapter 14

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Y/n splashed around in the pool as she hung out with her teammates, excluding Peter. For a moment, she thought that someone was spying on her. She looked around her surroundings for a minute. She wasn't particularly paying attention to what everyone else was doing.

"So Y/n, are you and Peter together?" Liz asked, snapping Y/n out of her trance. She looked towards Liz in confusion while blurting out her usual line when suddenly asked a question, "I didn't do it." Flash snorted, "Obviously not with Peter." MJ took the moment to dunk him under the water.

"I said, are you and Peter a thing?" Liz asked once again. Y/n slowly sank into the water, mumbling a no which just turned into the sound of bubbles and gurgling. "Really? I would have thought you guys were together. Y'all hang out a lot. I've seen the two of you come into school together. You guys talk at lunch.."

"We have a project together, and we live in the same apartment building. It's just a coincidence and the fact that we are working on a project together. " Y/n said as she slowly rose back up from underwater. "And what if we are together or not, does it affect your life?" Liz looked a bit stunned and the tension she had quickly dissolved, "Oh! No... Not at all. I was just curious, that's all."

MJ mentally noted Liz's comment as she swam over to Y/n. "So if the two of them were to get together then you wouldn't have any objections to it?" MJ asked with what Y/ n thought was a threatening undertone. Liz shook her head as she then tried to change the subject, "No no no.. Not at all. As I said, I was just curious."

Y/n didn't say much else and neither did Liz as the rest of the team continued to splash around the pool. Y/n didn't mind watching everyone else having fun. Suddenly a wave f sadness and depression washed over her and she didn't feel like hanging out with everyone. She swam over to the edge of the pool and hoisted herself up onto the ledge.

Abe looked at her, "Aw, come on Y/n... Don't leave us just yet!" Y/n felt a pang of guilt in her chest as for she now felt bad for leaving them. "I am sorry guys. I am just really tired and we have Nationals tomorrow, remember?" Abe looked around and nodded in agreement with everyone.

In that moment, Flash decided to be a dick and pull himself up at the ledge. "Yeah. Peter isn't here so maybe I can talk to you for a bit. Maybe see what else is hidden behind that nice body of yours. Y/n's face flushed as she shoved Flash back into the pool using her foot. She went to grab her towel but MJ beat her to it. MJ draped it gently around her shoulders.

She smiled at MJ as the two of them left the pool area and went back up to their room. As they walked, MJ observed her. She had pulled the towel tighter around her. Self-conscious. Another thing that she observed was that she began to scratch at her hands. That is bad bait that Y/n picked up from a toxic ex.

MJ grabbed her hand as the two of them continued to walk back to their room. MJ unlocked the door for both of them. Y/n trudged into their room, then went to grab a change of clothes. She went to change as MJ just changed without care.

When Y/n walked out of the bathroom, she went straight to her bed, flopped down onto the fluffy surface, and let out a scream into her pillows. MJ looked away from her book to look at her, "What are you screaming about? The fact that Liz might like Peter too, the fact you screamed it, or Flash hitting on you after you hit him."

Y/n looked up from her pillow to giver MJ a glare with her depressed eyes, "All of it? Not so much the thing with Flash, I will just punch him again." MJ gave a tilted nod with a look saying 'I guess so.' Y/n sat up and hugged her pillow, "I bet you that he would like Liz more than he would like me."

MJ turned to face her, "Why would you think that?" Y/n gave a shrug, "She's a senior, she's gorgeous, she is the captain of the team. What isn't there to like about her?" MJ got up and put a hand on her shoulder.

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