Chapter 3

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Y/n sat at the front counter of Delmar's, regretting not actually bringing her backpack to do her Algebra II homework. Six out of eight hours into this shift and she was more than ready to go home. She liked working at Mr. Delmar's. Decent pay for flexible hours, nothing that she could really complain about. It's just that later in the night, business tended to become a lot slower and with her ADHD. Time felt like it was going slower than it ever could.

She sighed as she heard the bell above the door ring. "Hello. Welcome to Delmar's Deli-Grocery. How can I help you today?" She looked at the person who was standing on the other side of the counter. They were wearing a hood over their head, which was understandable due to the heavy rainstorm that was occurring in Queens, New York at the current time.

They grabbed a couple of packs of gummy bears and a few sodas. "Yeah. I would like.." The person paused for a minute but with the sound of the voice, she heard she could tell that it was feminine. She then grabbed the stranger's hood and flung it back. "Hey, Michelle. How are you?"

Michelle laughed a bit as she looked at her, "I almost had you that time. I was so close!" She said as she pulled out her wallet from the inside of her army green rain jacket. "So what I do I owe for this visit?" Y/n asked as she leaned over the counter. Michelle placed a five dollar bill on the counter, "I actually owe you about five dollars with a return of change if applicable." Y/n laughed as she opened up the cash register.

Y/n rang up Michelle and handed her four cents in change. "That will be all my young padawan." Y/n said with a playful tone. Michelle then gave a groan in a similar tone, "Don't you stoop down to the level of the Nerd Leeds and your Keith Kogane." Y/n held her hands up in defense, "Woah, don't bring me to their levels. Also, Peter may be my 'rival' and all," using air quotes around rival, "I am not Lance. I am way smarter than my good boy Lance. Although, he is smart in his own beautiful way."

The snap, crackle, and pop of Michelle's soda could be heard as well as a sigh from her as well. "You are both nerds. Why can't you get over your stupid non-existent grudge with him? " The h/c girl laughed a bit as she took a sip of Michelle's drink before Michelle could even take a sip. "You guys would totally have cute, nerdy babies together."

Y/n took a spit take all over Michelle. "Michelle Jones! I wouldn't even consider kissing the guy." Michelle looked at her and raised a brunette eyebrow. "Oh? So you've considered kissing someone other than your Spider-babe?" Y/n's face flushed a deep red and then leaned closer to Michelle. "Shut up!! I don't want anyone to know about that.."

Michelle just left as she pulled her hood back up, "I'll see you tomorrow at school." She gave a two finger wave goodbye as she left the store. Y/n sat around the store a bit longer, helping out the occasional pothead with their munchies.

She checked the clock and smiled as it was now time for her to leave for the night. Y/n then smiled as she felt something warm touch the side of her neck. She flinched a bit as she turned to look at it. There she saw Mr. Delmar's daughter with a sandwich in her hand. "Have a good night. Here's your favorite." Y/n smiled as she took the sandwich. "Thanks." The daughter of the store owner leaned over to her, "Don't let my dad know that you know, but you're his favorite employee."

Y/n chuckled as she looked at her, "Thanks. I will see you later." She waved goodbye to Mr. Delmar and his daughter after she clocked out for the evening. She slid her hoodie overtop of her work shirt and walked onto the streets of Queens, New York. She let her skateboard drop onto the ground and she stepped onto the board, pushing off from the ground she began to ride her way back to her apartment.

She rode down towards the intersection of 44th Street and Queen's Boulevard. She arrived at her apartment went to the side rather than going through the front door. She then turned around towards the front door, remembering what had happened earlier that day. She walked into the front lobby and gave a small wave to the receptionist.

She glanced towards the elevator, seeing that it still hasn't been fixed in over seven years. Those jerkwads didn't feel like fixing it for some reason that God only knows. She sighed before then giving a chuckle as she said under her breath, "Maybe fixing the elevator should be my science fair project instead." She walked over to the door that was labelled stairs. As she opened the door, she heard the bell ring from the apartment building entrance.

She was too tired to even take a single glance at the person who just came as she walked through the door. As well as not even bothering to try and listen to their conversation. She heard the footsteps growing closer at a fast pance and she then let the door slam in the person's face. She didn't even know who it was, and honestly she didn't care.

Peter felt the door whack him in the face and let out a groan in response. He put one hand on his nose and opened the door with the other. "Okay, Y/n. You seriously need to work on your people skills." She turned around and rolled at him. "Are you stalking me? Or is the universe forcing me to actually be your friend, and get over my stupid grudge?"

Peter chuckled at the girl, "Well, I am not stalking you. I just happen to live in this apartment building with my aunt, have been for years. Also, would it be so bad if you were friends with me? Another also, what grudge are you talking about?" The girl actually thought about this for a moment before answering his question, "Yes. Yes it would be."

Without a second glance, she began to walk up the stairs. Peter followed suit and then laughed. "I hope you know that I live on the 17th floor. So I am pretty sure that I can follow you for probably most if not all of your trip." Y/n groaned as she began to pick up her pace, "Dear Thor, I live on the 18th floor." Peter smirked as he began to follow her.
"So, do you think that you can send me a few of the designs for the science for the science fair?" He asked with a hopeful smile on his face. She shrugged and held her hand out towards him. He raised his eyebrows for a moment until he realized that she wanted his phone after she made a grabbing motion with her hands.

He quickly handed over his phone to her and smiled. She grabbed it and typed in her phone number quickly before handing it back. "I'll send it to you before I get settled into the night." He nodded as the two of them continued their journey up the stairs until they reached their own apartments. He looked over at her, "I'll see you tomorrow in class or maybe lunch. But still don't forget to send me the designs for the project." He walked into his apartment building and saw his Aunt May on the couch. She looked over at him and gave a tired smile, "Hey sweetie. Who was that you were talking to? Was it that Liz girl that you have a crush on?" Peter's face flushed as he shook his head.

"No way! It's just a girl that I am going to be working with a bit more lately cause my chem teacher is making us participate in the science fair" Aunt May nodded her head and the gave a her nephew a look that parents give to their kids. "Okay but next time, try not to fall asleep at the library and if you do make sure you set an alarm so you don't come home late."

He nodded as he sat down next to her and gave her a side hug. "I'll try not to Aunt May." He said and released an internal sigh of relief, grateful that she actually believed his story about why he was late. He leaned back into the couch and looked at the TV screen. "I see that you are watching Bones without me." She looked at the screen and made an O shape with her mouth. "Oh sorry, sweetie. I thought Criminal Minds was still on." Peter smiled as he looked at her, "Well, Aunt May. You should be more mindful about this, cause this is simply criminal."

May laughed as she playfully shoved her nephew over. "Go to bed. Even though you really don't need the nap. But if you are going to be hanging out with that girl for a project. You should probably get as much sleep as you need." He nodded as he then rose from the couch. "Okay Aunt May, but you have to go to work tomorrow. So you should probably go to bed as well."
She sighed as she turned off the TV. "Okay, fine. You win this time. Now off to bed." He walked into his room as his aunt went to turn off all the lights in the apartment. He laid down on the bottom bunk of his bed and looked up at the ceiling pondering upon his thoughts. Also debating on how to ask Y/n subtly what time she works at Delmar's so he can pick up his free sandwich as Spider-Man.

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