Harms way

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Loki POV-
She entered my chambers and glanced around in interest her ears twitching ever so slightly to the wind hitting the window softly causing a faint rattle. 

She looked to the side of the bed and sat on the edge looking at me silently "Are you hurt?" I prompted noticing the red marks circling her neck and wrists once more. She just looked down so I approached her slowly and put my fingers under her chin and tilted her head up but she flinched and backed away with a growl falling off of the other side of the bed with a thump.

"Hey, Hey slow down I won't hurt you" I rushed out coming quickly around the other side of the bed only to see her tail sticking out from underneath the bed covers that pooled down the sides. As I went to touch it, it quickly disappeared under the edge of the sheets and I got on my knees, uncomfortably so, and peered under the sheets to see wide golden eyes piercing through me and low feral growl followed.

 I frowned but let the bed sheets drop and stood back up dusting myself off a little agitated.

She obviously was not comfortable yet in my presence and she had  feral tendencies of course so I had to be careful where I trod and what I said. The last thing I would want from her is her hatred toward me even more so, If it was privacy she required, then so be it.

"Well I will not force you, so please come out when you are ready I will have food brought to you shortly as I expect you to be rather famished" I added and no response followed, I gave up on expecting one. This would be a tough ordeal.

"I trust you will stay put in here if you do not want to end up back in the dungeons" I added and a small growl rumbled as a response. "I will be in the library if you need me simply call my name just down the hall and I will come to you, either that or a maid will arrive shortly" I finished, and with that, I hesitantly turned on my heel out of the door.

I hoped she wouldn't bring harm to a maid but she had no reason to, I could see why she lacked so much trust in me as she lacked it in my father. She saw me at that time as an enemy but I was determined to ease those thoughts until they faded away.

Megan POV:

A maid? whats a maid? and what is a library? 

I got up from under the bed after hearing his footsteps echo out of the room followed by the doors shutting. 

I waited for a moment listening to any noises but nothing but the faint breeze of wind echoed through this new place. 

I hesitantly stood up and sniffed the air, I looked around at the gold and white walls, with the green and black material. It was definitely his style... I looked around some more, I had remembered a past where I had one of these. A chamber. Of my own, though the memory was hazy. I was very young.

I knew the basics, what I was standing in was a chamber a room of sorts, lights, bed, bathroom, etc. But I didn't know why you needed a bed when there's so much room to make a den.

 I glanced around and noticed a door off to the side, I hesitantly turned the nob looking into what appeared to be a bathroom? I looked around and found a white block with a small silver dial above it with a small tube. I had forgotten the name of the dial, it started with 'T'

 I turned it out of curiosity and water flowed out causing a gasp to erupt from my mouth. I leaned forward and turned the nob again the other way and it stopped. I messed around with the metal thing and then stopped as I looked up into something I had never seen before, I stood back and growled baring my teeth but the same person before me growled too and bared their teeth. 

I held up my hand and they mimicked my movement. They wore the same tacky dress I was thrown to wear while I was in the cell, and their hair was the same color as mine. I tilted my head and so did she, it was like she was mocking me. The room she was in had the same type of walls too! 

What was this thing? I leaned in and she did too I went to put my hand out when it hit a surface, I frowned in confusion, why couldn't I reach her? I pushed harder then heard a crack and stood back. The surface had split and small hairline fractures ran up and down it in all different directions.

I frowned again and stepped out of the bathroom as they called it and looked around the room, I went to the bed and grabbed a square soft thing on the white square in the center of the room I was just on. I squeezed it with my hands and it sprung back up, I found myself smiling at how annoying yet fun it was and how pointless it seemed.  I kept repeating the action multiple times until my claws dug into it and white feathers flew out of it. One landed on my nose and I sneezed and I let go of it so white feathers dusted the floor. 

I shrugged it off and glanced around again looking to a desk in the corner of the room, I approached it carefully and noticed a white square laid out on top of it. I noticed black lettering, it was a shame I couldn't read Asgardian or English for that matter. Yes, I could speak English, as I was also fluent in my people's language but I couldn't for the life of me read. Or at least that's what i think they call it? we don't have all these things in the forest. Its kill or be killed out there, all of this is so foreign and unsettling but I have a feeling I won't be getting out of here anytime soon not with all these guards around the place constantly.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now