Chapter 7 - In The Kitchen (The Kiss)

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Part 2

   "(Y/n)- chan can you help me with the icing?" Sanji called out to you, as you just placed another cake in the oven to be cooked.
   "Sure thing Blondie" you walked up beside him, looking at this wonderful creation. Today Sanji had promised himself he would make a move since you hugged him last time, he wanted to try something a little different. He grabbed your arm spinning you around so your back was against his chest, he placed the piping bag in your hands, and placed his hands gently over yours, causing a large blush to explode on your face.

   "Have you used one of these before?" He asked, his voice whispered in your ear causing a shiver down your spine, the scent of his cigaret made your nose twitch at its foul tobacco smell.
   "Not really" you whisper lightly. You feel Sanji's throat vibrate when he chuckled at your shy behaviour.
   "I'll teach you, let me lead you for now" without another word, Sanji started moving his hands which were still resting on yours. You couldn't help but admire the male's touch of gentleness on your bare skin. How he would gently squeeze your hands to pour the concentrated amount of icing on every inch of the cake. How his warm breath tickled the hairs on the back of your neck, forcing you to bite your bottom lip to hold back a moan.

   You were to busy in thought to realise you were doing the piping on your own. Sanji released your hands and grabbed the now baked cake from the oven. Leaving you somewhat disappointed in the lack of touch.
   Too busy looking at Sanji and watching what he was doing that you got some icing on your hands. If that wasn't bad enough you had an annoying itch on your face, you still hadn't noticed the icing coating your fingers, as you wipe the itch away, leaving some icing on your face. Sanji turned to you, blushing at the adorable sight of icing on the side of your mouth and cheek. He couldn't help but cover his stomach and mouth, as a fit of laughter burst forth. You looked so innocent, it made his heart melt.

   You notice Sanji laughing at you and look into to sink of clear water. You blush at the sight of yourself, having the dirtiest thought possible. Instantly you plunk your hands into the water, frantically rubbing them together, removing all the icing off. When reaching a hand up to remove the icing you so stupidly had put there, hands wrap around your waist into a warm gentle embrace, that stopped you.
   Freezing yourself to the spot when the owner rests his head on your shoulder, breathing their radiant warmth over your neck. The blush increasing in darker shades of red, emotions bubbling to the surface and your heart rate picked up to a faster pace. Sanji chuckled at your flustered state and pulled back just enough to see your cherry face. You tilt your head down and look away from his gaze, feeling really embarrassed as it is.

   Your eyes widen at the touch of gentle warm lips on your forehead, you hesitated to look up but didn't get choice when a warm, long, delicate hand held your chin, forcing you to lock eyes with the man before you. Cringing at the sight of those eyes reading everything about you, like nothing was hidden from him.
   He closed in slowly, giving you many chances to change your mind but you couldn't move even if you didn't want what was about to be taken from you. Touching noses made you flinch, you watched his every movement, taking note that his eyes were only interested in your lips. His heated breaths become your intoxicating oxygen supply, his hand moving from your chin to the side of your face, caressing it gently.

   Your fingers glided over his cover skin, over his shoulders and resting in his blond hair. His lips found it's placed on yours, you move closer, pulling his head down further to save this sweet sensation you were experiencing. Each kiss, light and gentle but warm and lustful.
   'I'm glad we met Blondie'...

(Sanji x Reader) Black Leg & White Lightning - One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now