Chapter 11 - Lightning or Smoke, Which one is Faster??

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Part 3

(Y/n) P.O.V~

   I sat by myself on the edge of a cliff, the sea breeze comforted me in my moment of despair. 'Why?' I thought 'Why would he do this to me?' I sobbed a few more times, feeling as tho I was still drowning in my own sea of sorrows. The breeze continued to caress my face, I hear the leaves rustling in the breeze behind me, but I had a strange feeling like I was being watched, the pairs of eyes were bearing down on me like I were some piece of trash.

   After a few minutes, the presence of someone there was really starting to get to me, I knew someone was there, just behind the trees. I stood up and took a couple of steps towards the forest that awaited me, then I picked up something else, a scent that made my nose scrunch up and sneezes soon after. 'Smoke?' But the smoke didn't belong to Sanji, it was far stronger and therefor more potent. You have grown used to Sanji's cigarets but whatever this is, it's far worse. Then it hits you, a certain Admerrial Marine who enjoys having a couple of cigars all the time. Lightning soon surrounded you at your command, it was a harsh bright blue light and it felt cold against your skin.

   "I know you're there Smoker, step into the open" it was silent for a few moments until there was a rustling and it wasn't caused by the sea breeze. Footsteps soon followed after when the figure made its way out to the open, it was like a bear just stepped out into the open field. A trail of smoke followed after the finger as he walked a little closer to you.
   "You're more sensitive then I thought" He spoke with his normally gruff voice as the cigars moved up and down with the way he was moving his mouth while letting out a puff of smoke.
   "I was hoping to catch you off guard, but it seems you still have your old habits" you snorted at him as the Lightning grew into larger thunderbolts and the light, even more, brighter than before. "I was going to ask why you're here but I'm guessing there's no point, considering I already know the answer... You're here for me, aren't you?"

   A puff of smoke was the only answer you needed, and you are correct he was here for you since he's a marine and all. "Well your certainly a bright one, now we can do this the easy way or the hard way?" You shot forth a lightning bolt at his feet, causing him to flinch and take a couple steps back and grunted at your attitude.
   "I was wonder which is faster, my Lightning, or your smoke" Smoker signed knowing you have chosen the hard way
   "Why can't you pirates ever be easy?"


Sanji's P.O.V~

   'I have to find her before something else happens' I was running through the whole town causing trouble and creating a mess behind me trying to find (y/n). I know what's wrong now and I have to clear things up before its too late. I don't love that other woman I saved, it was (y/n) I loved all along, and I'm not about to have your slip through my fingers. The memories I had with her during those four days of trouble making, laundry day wouldn't be the same without her, I actually enjoyed the water fight, she made cooking more magical and shopping beside her made me pay attention to her and only her.

   And now here I am running past the many stores and shops that I have seen before. I rush the garden and find nothing 'Where on earth could she be?' BANG!!!! The ear pitching sound of a fight going on in the distance caught my attention. 'Lightning?!' There were surges of lightning and trails of smoke battling it out, I knew what had happened. Smoker found her before I did, I felt shame that I wasn't the first to find her, but that doesn't matter, (y/n) needed my help and there's no way I was going to let a brute lay a single finger on a lady.


Your P.O.V~

   "Damn it!" You coughed up a bit of blood. The battle between you and Smoker still raged on, both of us have taken quite a beating but more you then Smoker. You were faster but with smoke made it hard to even find Smoker. You jump back, performing a backflip when placing your hands on the ground to complete the flip. Landing on your feet once more and place both hands behind you, each charging up a surge of bright blue energy, that soon started to tare up the ground behind. The position you were in was like a ninja, the ends of the lightning brushed past your face a few times cooling your skin down.

   Smoker patiently walked out of his own gas ball, waiting for your next attack. You bend down lower charging up a large amount of speed, in a flash you dash forward leaving behind a trail of the torn up dirt and gravel. You run circles around Smoker creating a tornado of lightning, that was attacking Smoker in every direction. He looked left and right until you jump out and bring forth your lightning filled hands, landing on either side of his chest, ripping through his clothing with massive scorch marks and flesh was torn up. Sending Smoker flying across the hard ground, scrapping on it a few times before landing into a tree that snapped in half, but still supported his weight.

   The sound of electricity faded as did the lightning diffuse in your hands, you were hunched over taking a deep breath, with blood dripping out the side of your mouth. "Huh. I win, lightning is better than smoke" you stand up straight, while covering your battered up left arm, and limped away from the scene. Hobbling through the forest was difficult by the ever-changing terrain, making it harder by the fact that your legs were all scrapped up and bruised badly.

   Some rustling in the bushes gets your attention, flexing your arm out and surging some more energy through it, creating that harsh light once again. Whatever it was coming closer, and closer, you stand your ground ready to pound anything into the ground. You stop the lightning surge when a rabbit jumped out into the open, causing you to flinch but stop at the last second.
   "Just a rabbit, how cute" the behind you something pounced, you turn on your heels and charge up, but it was too late when Smoker punched you square in the gut. It was a mixture of a quick breath and coughing up more blood, burning your throat and longs for a second or two before landing into a tree, almost breaking it.

   Shock ripped through you before everything shut down, arms and legs limp. The whole body collapsed, head rolled down as the eyes rolled back and closed. Complete with a slack jaw and tiny twitches at the ends of your fingertips before, being completely still and silent........

(Sanji x Reader) Black Leg & White Lightning - One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now