Chapter 10 - I Love Her

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Part 3

Third Person P.O.V~

   "We need to talk, shitty cook" Zoro spoke coldly towards Sanji who was sweating bullets at everyone's dark poisons auras. He took a step back as Zoro unsheathed his three swords, placing one into his mouth as the others just continued giving cold glares. Sanji gulped when Zoro toke a step forward, his hands trembling with rage, eyes fill without a shred of mercy. He was going to make Sanji pay and he was going to pay big time after what he did to you.
   "Why you stupid cook?" His voice deep and shaking a little.
   "Why, what Zoro?" Sanji steered at the swordsman wide-eyed only to be greeted with the demon that Zoro has so carefully buried in the pit of his mind.

   "WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO (Y/N)?" He shouted, charging at Sanji with all his strength. His blades made contact by Sanji's strong but carefully place leg, he wipes his head of sweat while also moving the hair out of his face.
   "What are talking about moss head, did the alcohol finally reach your head or something?" Sanji called out keeping Zoro's swords well out of reach of himself. They jump back before Franky shoot one of his missiles at Sanji, missing him by a hair. Robin used her 'Bloom Bloom' powers to summon hands from underneath Sanji gripping onto him tightly, so he would be pinned to the spot. Nami brought her pole onto his head, causing a great deal of pain, as Ussop fired some smoke bombs with Luffy close behind.

"Gumu, Gumu......"
   "STOP, I DON'T UNDERSTAND, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!!!" Sanji shouted at the top of his lungs, stopping his captain dead in his tracks. Sanji coughed up a bit of blood and looked up to his Nakama, noticing a very important member wasn't with them.
   "What have you done...." Trailed off Zoro as he made his way over to the blond, grabbing him by the collar and forcing him to his feet. Sanji had no idea what to do at this point, his mind was trying to recollect all the filing paperwork that had burst out of the cabinets. His breath was uneven as blood oozed out of the side of his mouth.

   "You betrayed (y/n), that's what you have done" Zoro spoke such hate it almost made Sanji heel over in shame and utter guilt. "That's right she told us you were with another woman, what kind of man are you?" He grabbed his collar again lifting Sanji off the ground with very little amount of strength, proving Sanji just how strong Zoro is, and he was extremely pissed.
   Zoro always thought of himself as your older brother and there for very protective over you. Meaning Sanji's ass was in the firing line, he gulped again and looked away from the swordsman, guilt was written all over him. He couldn't help but cover his hand over his heart, it was like someone was stabbing at it over and over again, without any mercy 'I deserve this pain' he thought to himself finally having the courage to look into the eyes of a protective 'brother'.

   "I need to see her....." His words were weak and empty, but they still some feeling in them causing Zoro to place him back down. But the grip he had on Sanji's collar never loosened one bit "I would never do this to (y/n)- chan......"
   "And why is that, you just did..... What makes you think I'm going to just let you play with (y/n)'s heart like that...." Interrupted Zoro spitting his words of hate and poison
   "I'm not that kind of person, I care about her" Zoro eyes slightly widen, these words weren't a muddled made up mess as he thought. They were true words spoken from a man with deep regret, his grip tightness as he leans in closer steering straight into Sanji's very soul. " Then answer me this...." Sanji snapped his head up to Zoro, his eyes reading his every being, it made him sweat even more under the pressure of this mans gaze.

   "What do you feel towards (y/n)?" Sanji's heart burned and his stomach creating a thousand knots causing to cough a little more.
   "I... I... I LOVE HER!" Everyone stood there in utter shock as Sanji's words echoed throughout their minds, Luffy place a hand on Zoro's shoulder giving him a signal. In response, Zoro finally released Sanji from his collar death grip and took a couple steps back "Go" Luffy spoke with his eyes shadowed by his beloved straw hat.
   Without another word Sanji nodded and turned to head back to town, having a good idea of where (y/n) might be. Just as he was about to jump off the ship Zoro caught his attention
   "Hey. Don't fuck up this time, or else I'll really let you have it. Now go get her shitty cook" Sanji smiled to him, knowing that Zoro now trusted (y/n) with him and raced towards town.

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