Chapter 12 - Forever Have My Heart

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Part 3

Sanji's P.O.V~

   I sore it with my own eyes, (y/n) was killed by Smoker, her position said it all. There was no rising or falling with her breathing, just completely silent and motionless. Rage bubbled up within me boiling over the pot I have so carefully placed a lid on, I would regret and take this to my grave for the rest of eternity. How I failed to explain to (y/n) and I'll never get to see her laugh or smile. She would never help me laundry or burn something in the kitchen, never again.....

   "SMOKER!!" I rush forward, as bright yellow flames surrounded my legs when spinning around at a rapid pace, kicking up all the leaves around me. The marine just gave off a large off smoke, before engulfing himself in his smoke devil fruit power ability. Our battle had begun, but it would soon end. I noticed that Smoker was having trouble keeping up with me, (y/n) sure didn't just lie down and roll over for him. She did quite a number on him, with two large round scorch marks on either side of his chest, smaller scorch marks on his arms and legs, even one on his face near his left eye. Clothes soaked in his own blood, multiple cuts and bruises all over his body, it was a complete mystery how he can even still stand.

   I jump back away from his smoke, and bring my leg down onto his head, sending half of his body smashing through the ground with a great deal of force. I step back in case he gets up, but it was silent, nothing moved or made a single sound, I had defeated Smoker, but lost the battle. Dashing over to (y/n)'s side, I cradle her gentle, moving the strains of hair that covered her cut up and bloodied face. Tears welled up into my eyes, causing a stinging sensation when I refused to have them leave.

   "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry (y/n) if only I had been here on time...." I bury my head into the nap of her neck, still contain some of her 'warmth'. It started to rain, washing away most of the blood over her delicate body and beautiful face, plus the tears that I continued to escape my eyes, landing unto her perfectly shaped cheeks. "I'm so sorry (y/n), I will never ever, forget you and nor will any other woman replace you... For you will forever have my heart...."

The End~ (Not Really)

Your P.O.V~

   You awake to a distinct sound, a sound you thought you would never hear 'sobbing?'. Your fingertips move slowly at the fast commands you were giving them, you felt something warm pressed against the crook of your neck and something wet washing away the dirt and blood off your body. 'It's raining?' Your fingertips start to spread feeling into your hands and soon finding a response from your arms.
   "I'm so sorry" your ear pricks up slightly at the whimpering voice.

   "Sanji?" The blond cook, took a sharp breath, as he froze for a second in shock before looking up at you. "(Y/n)" the way he said your name made your heart melt, you couldn't stay mad at him. Not while tears flowed out of his eyes and a face showing pain and grief. He held the back of your head and hugged you tightly, burying his head into your neck once more, and gently started kissing your neck making you gasp.
   "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for I did to you, of all people...."

   Your hand rested lovingly onto his face, pushing him to look up at you before graced with the most blissful and sweetest kiss, you could give him. Pulling away soon after and steering into a mega blushing blond cook. "I forgive you, but don't do it again, or I leave you in a bigger mess than what Smoker is" Sanji grinned and pecked your lips sweetly "I promise to be loyal to only you, my Fair Lady White Lightning, (y/n)"...

(Sanji x Reader) Black Leg & White Lightning - One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now