Chapter 1 - Meet White Lightning

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Part 1

Third Person P.O.V~

   "There it is" Ussop gulped at the sight of the island they were fast approaching. His hands were trembling at the thought of meeting this White Lightning, the stories that he's heard from past islands made his spine shiver.

   Some people claim White Lightning was born during one of the largest Lightning Storms in history as a curse, while others believe this character is a god of some sort. But either which way, they both shared the same amount of fear of the power this person carried. Altho it's funny the parents were completely frightened of this person when children would sing about White Lightning and how nice he is.
   But putting that aside everyone held a straight face. This assassin had 240,000,000 beli on their head and with a good reason too. Destroying over 40 marine ships, 27 marine bases reduced to rubble and killing over 300,000 marines, it's no wonder why people were so afraid of White Lightning.

   Sanji walked out on deck when the Thousand Sunny made port. He took out another cigaret and match, walking over to the rest of the crew who looked out to the island full of people. He quickly scrapped the match on the side of Zoro's face to light the match and brought it to the cigaret in his mouth.
   Zoro snorted at the cook while giving a cold glare.
   "Out of everything you could have used to light that stupid match, you had to use it on my face?!" Sanji lighted his cigaret and inhaled, tossing the match into the ocean. He rolled his visible eye to the swordsman with a smirk forming at the edge of his mouth.
   "Of course I did, I didn't want to deface anything, which is more then what I can say for you, it's an improvement"

   Zoro growled at him with his teeth fangs showing "Why you..."
   "Will you two quit it, we're here for something important, we haven't even taken one step off the ship and you two are at each other's throats already, I'm mean seriously" Nami sighed after scolding at the two pea brains.
   "Well then Luffy, what do you want to do?" Asked Robin who already knew the answer. Luffy turned to his crew with a serious look "I'm going to find White Lightning."

Time Skip~

   "Luffy just give up, he's not on this island" Ussop was trying to convince Luffy, to give up the search for White Lightning. For the past two weeks, the crew have been forced to look for the assassin to join Luffy's crew. But once Luffy had his mind made up there was no way of changing it.
   "No keep looking I know he's here." They continued walking looking for anyone wearing white robes and a hoodie. When suddenly a man flew out of a tavern and into a brick wall with such a force he was knocked out at the contact of the wall behind him. Sanji poked his head into the tavern and found five more men knocked un conscience onto the floor, stalls and tables.

   He pointed his thumb to the doorway and called out to Luffy "He's in here" With that everyone walked in casually as another fighter was tossed across the room landing onto a table, breaking it in the process. They looked to the centre of the room to find a white-robed man with a hoodie on, standing casually in a relaxed state.
   "I'll have your head, WHITE LIGHTNING!!" A man yelled out holding a sword in hand pointed at the assassin. He only turned his head slightly and rolled his (e/c) dark orbs towards his attacker. In a split second, he slipped the blade between his middle and third finger, gripping the attackers hand tightly at the hilt before smashing his other hand's index and middle finger at the man's throat. Causing the man to drop to the floor and gasp for air. His blade dropped to the ground with a clatter, as he covered his throat with his hand, and heard the man before he whistles.

   Looking up only to have a full blown kick to the side of his head, sending him flying into a beam breaking on in-pack. The assassin still held his upper leg up but soon folds his lower leg and place it firmly on the ground. He dusted himself off with smirk before making his way towards the Straw Hats.
   "Sorry about that, they've been harassing the people all day so I thought I should put them in their place. How about I treat you all to lunch?" They were a little unsure but Luffy was delighted at the sound of a good meal "Yeah MEAT!!" The man was surprised for a minute before pulling a friendly smile.

   Everyone sat down together with food spread all around the table, Luffy stuffed as much as he could into his mouth before swallowing while everyone else went at their own pace, feeling the gentle light aura that the assassin seemed to be giving off.
   Sanji took a moment to look into the assassin's eyes, they were pure (e/c) and gentle. Which isn't something any male should have, and Sanji knew only truly beautiful females had those kinds of eyes. He could tell that this assassin is truly pure and beautiful on the inside, but what about the outside??

(Sanji x Reader) Black Leg & White Lightning - One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now