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This story was written by two people Madame Minx and Nerris, our instagrams are rhodopisdenile and guess_who255 so give us a follow if you're interested.

Once upon a time in land far away...
well actually I guess it wasn't that far away, it was Florida, the perfect place for you to live if you're a gay Disney nerd or absolutely insane!

I'm the former of course, I'm Virgil and I lived there in a big grand house with my amazing dad, Dr. Emile Picani, he was the sweetest man you could ever imagine calm, smart and totally okay with getting silly once in a while.

I was adopted by him when I was just a little baby and he spoiled me with every bit of love he had. I never had a mom or any other parent for that matter but I didn't care my father was everything I ever wanted.

He also had a great talent for making tons of friends, including his patients Corbin and Sloan. They were one of the couples that came to his office for therapy before I was adopted. He helped them communicate better with each other and eventually, they got married and adopted a baby of their own! That baby turned out to be my best friend, Patton, the sweetest little nerd with a heart of gold who was as pure as the country side air.

We spent so much time together playing that it was almost like he was the brother I never had, I'm pretty sure we were even in the same orphanage.

Together we made a big happy family, even though none of us were actually blood related.

I miss him more than words can say...

Ten Minutes Ago: A Sander Sides Cinderella AUWhere stories live. Discover now