Chapter 7: The Deal

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After a long and exhausting day of school, Patton dropped me off and I entered the house. I quickly walked down to the basement and sat down on my bed, sighing. My relaxation was immediately interrupted by-"PARANOIA!" That.

I huffed and scurried to Remus's room.

Once I entered he began talking.

"Listen Paranoia, I need you to help Remy and Deceit get ready for the masquerade dance tomorrow oh and I'm chaperoning the dance so I have to get ready aswell."

"Well um, actually I was going to ask if I could go with you."

All of a sudden he began laughing like it was the funniest joke he'd ever heard. His laugh was terrible. There were snorts and hiccups and coughs. It was like he had turned into a pig. After about two minutes, he spoke again.

"HAH. . . heh. . . ho, man! You tickle me emo! The idea of you going to a formal dance with your messy hair and ugly face is the best joke I've ever heard!"

"Remus please...I'm a straight A student,I never misbehave,I do everything you ask...please let me go to this dance!" I begged and pleaded. He sighed and began thinking of what to do in silence for a few moments.

"Alright, I'll cut you a deal."

"Really? What is it?"

"I have a bit of an organization issue. So if you can clean my office, get yourself something nice to wear, and buy your own ticket, you can go. You don't have to help Remy."

"Really!? Thank you sir! thank you! thank you! thank you so much!"

"Shut up and get out of my room already I'm sick of looking at you." And with that I ran back to the basement and called Patton to tell him the good news.

"Patton! I can go! I just need to clean a room!"

"Great! I'll come down and help you make and outfit."

"But I don't have any materials."

"I'm sure your step family has some materials that they just throw away. They're very wasteful."

"I guess. I'll see you in a bit Patton."



The call ended.

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