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After moving in with Patton life became so much easier for me, I was finally able to focus on my own needs and my own life and because of that not only was I able to get a better handle on my social anxiety but I also was able to study more.

After lots of studying and hard work I was finally able to go to a good college with Roman and Patton, I even started seeing a therapist who reminded me of my dad! I think his name is Thomas or something like that...

Remy and I still visit each other from time to time, he's in a pretty good spot and even found a nice edgy art critic boyfriend in the city who seems like a match made in heaven for him.

As for Remus and Janus, the last time I saw them was when I was getting in a moving van to go to college, Remus and Janus looked at me with nothing but disdain and I couldn't help but just laugh knowing fully well that they couldn't crush my happiness anymore.

Even though Janus largely contributed to what I went through I honestly hope he's okay, If I learned anything from Remy it's that I can't blame either of them for acting out of line when they had such an awful up bringing, Janus deserves to break away from Remus as much as any of us.

Patton and I are still as close as ever and we're currently saving up money to move out of Florida, figured we could all use a change of pace and that's pretty much all you need to know.

Remy is happy and far away from Remus, Logan and Patton grow more and more in love every day and as for Roman and I... well, I don't know if we'll be together for ever or if every moment is gonna be perfect but what I do know is that we're gonna make it work and that some where, my dad is watching me, happy as can be and beaming with pride.

And we all lived happily ever after.

Authors note: Thank you to everyone who took the time to read our wonderful story! It was a bitch to write but it's finally done! I hope you all enjoyed it and had a fun time reading it!

I leave you with this.

I leave you with this

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