Chapter 13: A Lovely Morning

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Patton's POV

I woke up in my room with a yawn. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I remembered what had happened last night.


As Virgil ran outside, all I could do was hope he was ok as Roman followed him closely. I stood in the corner and frowned as I watched with a sigh. I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly turned around to see Logan.

"He'll be alright. Roman has always been good at cheering people up." He reassured me.

"That's good." I smiled a little. He looked down, as if he was thinking. After a bit, he glanced up at me.

"From what I can tell, you like puns and dad jokes, correct?"

"Yup! Why do you ask?"

"Well. . . I thought of one and thought you might wanna hear it?" He sounded uncertain as he took out his contacts and put his glasses on.


"Alright then, here it goes." He took a deep breath. "Are you Crofters? Because you're my jam." He winked at me. My eyes lit up and I squealed.

"That was soooo good! I love it." I said with a giggle, setting my glasses down on the table. I made my own pun and we began just making puns and dad jokes with eachother. I laughed at his and he rolled his eyes and groaned at mine, granted, mine were a little childish. After a while, his puns begun turning into pick-up lines. They were mainly science related and I thought nothing of it until. . .

"Can. . . Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." He smirked, pushing his glasses farther up on his nose. Without thinking, I took him up on his offer. I quickly leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek before almost immediately regretting my decision. I noticed a pink blush spread across his face as his smirk grew bigger.

"Well, I suppose I did promise." He spoke in a soft, calming tone as he leaned closer, placing a hand on my cheek. I could feel my face go red under my mask. He leaned in closer so that our faces were only an inch apart. My mouth hung halfway open in shock. My eyes widened as a steady stream of thoughts came rushing into my head.

Is he actually going through with this!?

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

This isn't happening.

Yes it is.

How do I do this?

What if I do it wrong?

What if- My thoughts were interrupted by him moving his other hand to my waist. With that simple move, all my worry melted away. He pulled me close into a passionate kiss. I swear my face had to have been crimson red at that point. I would have kissed back, that is, if I knew how. He eventually pulled away from the kiss, keeping his face close as we both caught our breath. We were silent for a bit before I finally spoke up.

"U-um I guess I should p-probably mention that. . ." I pause scared to mention the truth. Logan tilts his head and waits for me to continue. "That. . . was my first kiss." I shift awkwardly in my spot. I wait for him to leave but instead he begins speaking.

"So, how was it?" He asks, smugly. I looked at him shyly, not really knowing how to respond so I just shrug. He raised an eye brow before leaning close again.

"Want me to do it again to see what you think?" He grinned. I nodded just the slightest bit. He quickly pressed his lips to mine with his hands on my back and waist. I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt Logan smirk against my lips. I didn't know what to do so I let him do what he wanted. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The kiss quickly escalated into a heated make out session until Virgil dragged me away.

~end of flashback~

I was snapped out of my daydream by a knock on my door. The door opened and I was greeted by the smiling face of my dad, Sloan.

"Good morning Patton!"

"Good morning dad!" I smiled, hopping out of bed. I walked to my closet and grab an outfit. "Hey, Dad?"

"Yeah Pat?"

"Can I get some advice from you on something?"

"Yeah, of course. What is it?"

"Well, uh. . . Virgil has a crush and he doesn't know how to tell him how he feels."

"Who is it?"

"This guy named Roman."

"You mean Larry and Dot's son?" My head perked up.

"You know him!?"

"Well, we know his Parents. His mom works at the school and his dad used to be a theater preformer. They used to. . . go to Dr.Picani's therapy sessions- I'm sensing a bit of a connection here." I giggled a bit at Dad's realization.

"Are you guys still in touch?"

"Well, yeah. We talk all the time."

"Did they talk about anything last night?"

"Yeah, they were talking about how Roman was infatuated with this guy he met at the dance and how he was saying he NEEDED to see him again."

"Well. . . that guy was kinda sorta Virgil." I laughed nervously.

"What!? You're kidding!" Dad seemed very suprised.

"Nope! Did they say anything else?" I questioned.

"Well, there is Elliot."

"Who's Elliot?"

"He also used to be one of Dr.Picani's patients. Picani helped him get out of an abusive relationship. Elliot eventually got away from him abusive boyfriend and his parents, who constantly put him down for even going to therapy. Soon he settled down in town and got his life together with a good paying job and a nice home, he went out and got a kid."


"I'm assuming you wanna know about the kid?"


"His name is Logan Stokes." My eyes lit up.

"What was he saying?"

"He was talking about how Logan met this guy at the dance and ended up kissing him. He said he'd never seen Logan so flustered in his life."

"Well. . . dad. That guy he kissed was-" he tilted his head in confusion. "Me."

"Is that where you were last night?"

"Yeah." I looked down at my feet.

"And you kissed him?"

I slowly nodded, expecting to be in trouble.

"Awwww. That's adorable!" He smiled, a huge dopey grin on his face.

"Y-you're not mad?"

"Of course not. I'm kinda sad you didn't tell me sooner but you kissed someone and that's super cute." I smiled and checked the clock.

"Shoot! Dad can we talk more about this later? I have to get ready."

"Oh! Alright. You best believe I'm telling your papa about this. He will flip." He smiled and closed the door so I could get ready. I put in my contacts and changed out of my pajamas and into my school clothes. I combed my hair, brushed my teeth, grabbed my backpack and ran down stairs. I hurried to the kitchen, picked up a banana and began eating it quickly. I rushed to my car and started driving to go pick up Virgil.

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