Chapter 15: An Announcement

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We finally got to school and to my shock nobody was even giving us as much as a glance. They were doing the usual stuff. Getting their bags, talking, laughing nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There even was deceit still yelling at me to carry his books which I promptly did, being careful to not drop them this time. Maybe things wouldn't be too bad after all! We got to our first class and waited for the announcements. I finally felt okay and like I'd be able to get through this.

Roman's POV

"You sure this will work?" Logan asked nervously.

"Yep trust me!" I walked up to the microphone and started giving the announcements.

"Now I have a special announcement! As you all may know, the dance was last night and I ran into somebody who I have absolutely fallen in love with. But sadly I didn't get his real name so now I can't find him." I said, a bit of sadness in my voice.

"I don't know if you remember me, mystery boy. But we were dancing in the court yard and your clothes were like a storm cloud in the night and we danced till you vanished like a phantom out of sight! I just know I will find you you're the boy of my dreams and the thrill is more than my heart can bear!" I sung until I felt Logan elbow me.

"Roman, now is not the time to sing." I nodded. I really meant it. I felt a special connection to that guy I was positively desperate to find him.

"Logan Stokes also has something to say." I spoke into the microphone before handing it to Logan. He began speaking.

"I. . . also met someone at the dance th-that I am very infatuated with." He spoke very sheepishly. "He was. . . very funny and loved to tell jokes. H-he was also very caring, nice and happy. He also left his glasses at the dance and I would like to return them. U-um so I guess just come talk to us if you were one of them." He sat the microphone down and we walked out.

"What was that!? Do you even want to find this guy?" I yelled.

"Y-yeah! I do but- you just kind of dragged me into the spotlight. Just like you dragged me to the dance. You always just drag me around."

"I thought you liked going around and doing stuff with me." I tilted my head, confused about what he was trying to say.

"I usually do but I- this is hard to say. Uh- in the musical Heathers, I feel like you and your friends are the Heathers but I'm Veronica. I feel like I'm only around because you want me around and I'm only popular because of you." He rubbed his arm nervously and looked away, avoiding my gaze.

"I-I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me before?"

"You looked like you were having fun. I didn't wanna ruin that." He gave a sad smile. I frowned.

"Lo, you don't have to worry about that. If you don't feel comfortable doing something you can always tell me. No matter how much fun I'm having, it's never as fun if my best friend is uncomfortable." I said, pulling him into a hug.

"Th-thanks Ro." I felt him hug me back. The hug ended and we began walking to class. That is until a group of people confronted us, claiming to be the boy I danced with.

This is gonna be a long day.

Logan's POV

~at the end of 1st period~

I left my first class and walked to my locker. I opened it and grabbed my pencil box to put more pencils in it after giving many of my pencils to other students that forgot theirs. I opened the small plastic box and looked into it and remembered I had put the glasses inside. I groaned in defeat. I hadn't been confronted about the glasses. Roman, on the other hand, had been stopped by over 20 people in the last period. I pulled out the glasses and inspected them. The rim was light blue and there were tiny heart stickers placed on the edge. I smiled, remembering how happy and cheery the boy's personality was. Even his glasses were cute. My thoughts were interupted by a tap on my shoulder. I put the glasses away and turned around to see a boy in a blue shirt with a gray cardigan wrapped around his shoulders. I recognized him but I couldn't put a name to the face. He looked different somehow. He gave me a smile and spoke.

"Hello! Um-I'm Patton! I'm here about the glasses." He said in a cheery voice.

"Really? Are you sure you're not looking for Roman and the Ipod?"

"Nope. Those glasses should be my prescription." I wanted to be sure.

"Would you mind describing your glasses for me? Just to make sure you aren't mistaken."

"No problem. They should have a light blue rim and teeny tiny little heart stickers on them. Also they're glasses for reeally far sighted people because I am blind as a bat."

"How can you see without them right now then?"

"Oh! I'm wearing contacts but they don't work as well as my glasses do. They're a bit irritating." I nodded and grabbed the glasses from my locker, showing them to Patton.

"That does match the description and you are the only person who's confronted me about them." I sighed.

"Really? Why?"

"People are more focused on Roman, he's the popular and hot one."

"R-really? To be honest, I've thought you're really cute since like 1st grade." He said shyly rubbing the back of his neck. I chuckled.

"Heh, you really are him."


"You're cheery and nice. You're the only one who's shown any intrest in me. You even said exactly what you said at the dance." I smiled. In return he gave me a cheerful smile.

"Here." I hold out the glasses. He carefully took out his contacts and puts them into their container. He looked at me with super squinted eyes, making me chuckle. I slid the glasses onto his face. He blinked a couple times before smiling and giving me a small peck on the cheek. I felt my face heat up before smirking the slightest bit.

"Y'know this can't happen like it did at the dance." He gave me a glare.

"I know that!" He pouted, sticking his tounge out at me. "Oh and Logan about that other boy at the dance I know where he lives."

I gasped "Really you do! Well you have to tell me Roman is gonna be so thrilled to find him!"

"Okay well you didn't hear it from me's 135 west Avenue." He giggled.

"Oh thank you Patton! Thank you so much!" I hugged him, thankful for his help.

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