Chapter 4: Life

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I woke up in my bed, staring at the cracks in the ceiling. I rolled over and hugged my pillow, groaning. I went back to sleep for about two seconds before I heard the most annoying voice in the world.

"PARANOIA~!!!" It's Remus, screaming at me from the second floor of the house like a mad man.

"Just a second!" I quickly got dressed, putting on my hoodie. I'd grown into it through the years. It had some holes in it but Patton sewed it up with purple fabric and extra zippers. I ran up stairs, making my way to the kitchen. I grabbed some chocolate covered crickets for Deceit, some deodorant for Remus, and made some fresh coffee for Remy. I put the deodorant on my head and carry the rest. I walked up even more stairs and entered the cave of all evil, Remus's room. I sat the coffee down and took the deodorant off my head. I handed the deodorant to Remus, avoiding any and all eye contact. While he popped off the cap and took a bite out of it. I cringed and pick up the coffee, leaving the room. I made my way to Deceit's room and opened the door.

"Hello Paranoia." He smirked.

"When will you start using my real name?" I asked, giving him his stupid crickets.

"Maybe when you die. . . probably not though" He said, rolling his eyes.

I scoffed and left Deceit's room, making my way to Remy's room. I walk up to him as he was packing his back pack and he smiled as I approached.

"Good morning Virgil." He gave a slight wave.

"Morning Remy." I replied, handing him his coffee.

"Thank you."

"No problem. You are literally the only person in this house besides me with somewhat normal eating habits."

"Yeah, crickets aren't really my style." He shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee. Remy wasn't the worst step sibling, he was just kinda demanding. He didn't constantly call me paranoia so that was a plus. Although, I'm pretty sure his blood actually flowed with coffee.

"I'm gonna start getting ready for school." I started walking back to the basement to grab some things, including my backpack and trusty IPod. I went to the front of the house and watched Remy and Deceit drove off in their fancy cars. I sat down on the curb and waited for my ride. Eventually, Patton showed up in his old Volkswagen. I climbed into the car and we headed to school.

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