(bonus) Scrapped Ideas

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(Thank you so much for over 1,000 reads!)

Chapter 9 was originally going to be called "A Problem 2: Electric Boogaloo" (this was an ACTUAL OPTION)

Remus is wrecking a house and smashes the clock, causing Virgil to very sarcastically exclaim
"Oh no! How will we tell the time!? It's not like we have phones. OH WAIT!"

Virgil went through a state in which he lost his sense of self-worth, which Patton quickly snapped him out of.

Remus takes great joy in making Virgil clean his shoes as it just shows he doesn't have any dignity and he will grovel at Remus's feet as long as he tells him to.

Virgil was going to have a completely glass pool house for a room so he has to go inside to change his clothes. At the end, Virgil was going to break one of the walls, rush inside, confess to roman, and then go jump in the pool to get the glass off of him. Valid.

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