Chapter 3 - New world

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I was in the tunnel and just seconds later I landed on a very old and roughly built street. The light disappeared and I could finally see again. Still, my eyes kept being irritated.

I stood on a street in the midst of many buildings ruins. The silence was laying over everything. An umcomfortable silence just to add my thoughts a bit. I sensed a satisfaction inside of me, from where it emitted or for whatever reason is what I couldn't explain.

The silent and lonely surrounding helped me calm down. That was unbelievable!
The chance of this effect actually happening was low. A survey proved that people tended to freak out. The silence and awkwardness of standing around. They felt uncomfortable in a strong manner.

I looked at the surrounding more carefully and realized heavy battle had destructed many buildings. I felt fear rise up in me. My brain received this emotion in a single second. Geez, the human brain was truly a brilliant and cursed organ keeping us alive. This place was a spot where fights must have happened a lot in the past.
I moved in closer to a building and saw a dagger lying on the ground. It was visible but covered in dust and stone bricks. The bricks were from the ceiling  I assumed when my eyes wandered upwards towards the ceiling. It looked very porous. Small bricks were falling down. Dust fell into my eyes and I rubbed it out. My lungs filled with dust and I coughed hard. Out of my mouth came quite a big amount of dust. No wonder my throat was itching.
Why did I even enter the building? This plan caused the opposite of the wanted.
I not only found out about the status of the complex but the dirtiness of the whole one.

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