Daddys Coming

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Trey POV
The next day

I was thinking back on what Laura had told me last night. Shit done popped off and I don't even know the whole story yet. When she told me that her real pops was coming out here I knew that shit really got real.

I knew I cared about her , so I wasn't gonna let shit happen to her. If I had to get my hands dirty then I would. Nobody really knew that I could be dangerous, I only got violent when I needed too.

I was kinda scared of meeting her pops. I mean she said he a big ass drug dealer in Jamaica. She didn't even tell me his name , so I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I do wonder if her mama told him that she was seeing someone . I have so many questions, I'll see if Laura can answer a few of them.

She need to hurry up and get out the shower I know that much. We both had to work this morning and it's already 9:15. She had to be there by 10:30 and where I stay it would take at least an hour to get to her job. That's not including traffic.

I hope she dressed cause she do take forever. Like it's just work, but I don't say anything. I'm not arguing over something so petty. I heard her come downstairs already dressed. She just had to put her shoes on and she would be good.

I'm glad we both get off early, I told her. She agreed and then said we should go out and get some food tonight. I asked her where did she wanna go and she said CPK (California Pizza Kitchen). I knew she was gonna say that because she kept saying something about some damn egg rolls she wanted.

I went on and took my shower so I could get ready for work. I heard Laura come in and told me she was about to head out. She gave me a kiss and left out the bathroom. I heard the door close and lock so I went back to taking care of my hygiene.

Laura Dad POV

Mi was on mi way ta check up on mi daughta and ha muva. When she told mi something was gonna happen , I took the next flight out from Jamaica. What mi didn't do was play bout mi daughta. I would kill fa her , so whoever was behind this was gonna feel the wrath behind Sal.

Laura POV

I was on my way to work when I felt like someone was following me. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw this black suv trailing me. I didn't know who it was but for some reason I thought I had a feeling. I was thinking it was Dre but he didn't know where Trey lives.

It was so much traffic outside this morning and I hoped I wasn't late. I still had another 40 minutes to drive and I had to be at work by 10:30. The same time it said I was gonna show up. I knew I shouldn't have been in the shower that long but I had to relax my body , it was so tense.

I couldn't wait to get off so I could get back to Trey and we get ready to go out to eat. I been craving these Baja Chicken egg rolls and I couldn't wait to get them in my belly.

I finally pulled up at work and I got here with 5 minutes to spare. I got out and went inside so I could clock in and get my day started and over with. I walked inside and helped everyone get set up since we opened in 30 minutes. Did I mention I had 2 jobs? Well if I didn't well I do.

It was finally 11 and we were open for business. Customers started filing in and I knew it would be a fast day. After a few hours had passed another customer had come in. I wasn't paying attention to who it was but they said my name.

I looked up and a chill went down my spine. The way he was looking at me made me scared. I didn't know what he was gonna do but I knew it wasn't gonna be pretty. I took his order and called it out to the cashier. He never took his eyes off me which , had me feeling some type of way.

The day was finally over and I was ready to get back to Trey. I couldn't believe he came here to my job. How did he know where I worked? Was he the one following me this morning? So many thoughts ran thru my head. I didn't know which question to ask first, or should I even ask any questions.

I close out and ran out the back door to my car. I got in and quickly locked the doors. As I was about to pull out I seen him. I was frozen and I was scared for my life. I wanted to run over him but we had cameras in the parking lot. I did the next best thing and pulled out my gun.

I aimed at him and told him to back tf up and leave me alone. I wouldn't be scared to pull this trigger at all. He been stalking me and ill be damned if I get caught slipping. He backed away and I pulled off. I saw him out my peripheral and he was still in the same spot I left him.

I headed to Treys house and when I tell you I made it there in record time. He wasn't home yet so I came in and locked up all doors and windows. I was taking all steps to make sure we would be safe until my dad got here tomorrow morning. Trey needs to hurry up I thought to myself. I was scared as fuck right now.

Do y'all think that was Dre the whole time?

What's gonna happen next?


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