Chapter 15

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Memories Chapter 15
• two years & six months later •
Katniss' POV

The quater quell is next year. I'm so worried, they twist always involves the victors. What will the twist be this time?

I haven't even bothered mentioning it to Peeta, if I do I think he will get worried which will make me even more worried.

None of my friends knew why I went it that year I won. The truth is I volenteered. Because they always did boys first either a boy or girl could volenteer. Danny was reaped and I volenteered for him, crazy I know but he was my best friend at the time. I would have done it for Gale too if it was him.

I'm starting to be able to control my moments and I haven't had a bad one in about 6 months. I had one justlast month but it wasn't that bad.

I don't even want to think what would happen if I get reaped, what would poor Peeta, Prim and Gale do?

Peeta's POV

I know Katniss is thinking about it. The Quater Quell is only next year. Year it may seem ages but it really isn't, I know she's worried about it because normally every twist in the Quater Quell is to do with the victors, so god knows what Snow and Plutarch have up their sleeve next year.

None of us know how she even go in when she won. She won't tell none of us, she won't even tell us if she was reaped or volenteered. I would of thought she was reaped because she wouldn't volenteer when she was 12, would she?

Gale's POV

The Quater Quell is freaking next year! I'm shitting it for Katniss. Obviously it will involve her; her being a victor and all.

Oh my god, what if she gets reaped?! None of us will be sane! Katniss basically keeps us all together and happy, mainly because she want's us to be happy because she doesn't want to think about herself and her problems.

Finnick's POV

It's the Quater Quell this year. I can tell we're all thinking about it, especially Katniss. After all she's a victor and every twist for the Quater Quell involves the victors, so I think everyone one of us will be feeling for her next year. What happens if she gets reaped to go in?

No, I can't afford to think like that. Especially for Katniss, Peeta, Prim, Haymitch, Cinna, Gale and even Peeta's family, they'd have to put up with him when Katniss is gone.

He'll probably cry everyday until she gets out. I don't even want to think if she gets reaped and she dies in there. I honestly think Peeta would kill Snow and Plutarch then himself. He can't live without her.

Snap out of it Fin! It's not going to happen! She's not going to get reaped and she's not gong to die, end of story.

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