Chapter 5 - Surprise

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~2 weeks later~

You and Loki had gone out on shifts looking at the quiet city, he was very exclusive and hardly said anything. You tried your best to get him comfortable but it just didn't work. Often sitting in silence, you ate street food, some of which he enjoyed, other times he thought you had poisoned him. In the tower, you kept to yourselves but ran into each other often.

"AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" Oh shit, what is it now? Your run out your room and conjure up your ice spear, ready for whatever attack that was happening.

"What is it, Tony? Don't tell me you built another killer robot," You ask Tony, Thor charges into the room on Mjolnir along with Nat and Clint.

"No, no threat," Everyone groans and incomes Loki.

"What is going on?" He stares at the crowd of heroes before him.

"Tony made us think there was some sort of threat," You playfully clink your spear on Tony's head to which he rolls his eyes.

"We are having a party! The only threat is not having a good time, ice pop," (Ice pop was Tony's amazing nickname for you) "Now go get ready," He ushered the lot of you to your rooms. You didn't enjoy parties but somehow Tony always got you to go, maybe this time you could stay back?

"A book and a bath sound nice," The tap of your bathroom bath ran spewing warm water into the tub. You poured a fair amount of soap and watched it rise into bubbles. Going back into your room you pick out your favorite book, The Great Gatsby. Soaking in bubbles will be the perfect evening...


After getting out the bath you changed into some sweats and continued to read The Great Gatsby. Music started to play and chattering was heard, guess it was a big party. "You're missing out," Natasha swings open your door and leans on the frame.

"Don't think so," You close your book and scoot closer to the door to talk.

"Yeah well, Tony is walking over here so I think you should get ready," She smirks and leaves as Tony enters the room.

"No no no, this won't do," He lifts his whiskey free hand and puts his index finger on his chin. "Get dressed, this is depressing. FRIDAY make sure Y/n is getting ready," after the door closes you groan and flop face first in your bed.

"Don't forget to get ready, Miss L/n,"

"Yeah, thanks, FRIDAY," you get up and walk over to your sink basin and start to wash your face. After applying some makeup you slip on a tight-fitting strapless navy dress. Pairing with some navy colored heels you fix your hair and open your door. Banging music comes from the living room as you see people dancing and drinking like it was 1924.

You see the group over by the usual area and descend the small steps going over to them. The table was scattered with snacks and empty bottles, it had only been an hour for God's sake... Anyways, the lot were sitting around the table laughing and drinking. "There's Miss I don't like parties!" Tony takes a martini and gives it to you, you sit down and look at the group who were laughing and talking.


"We've had this talk before, you simply aren't worthy," You shake your head as Tony and Bruce sigh. Thor laughs as the men study Mjolnir, they look for any possible explanation for the hammers selectivity.

"I'm trying again," Tony reaches out his hand as the hand of Mark III fitted on. He grabs onto the handle and the booster of the glove burst to life as they try to pull the hammer off the table.

"Guys, I don't see the big deal," You laugh. You weren't so sure when they had this discussion but you were intrigued.

"You were in Washington when we did this," Steve puts down his drink. "I came close to lifting it, but hell, it was heavy,"

"Well you see, point break over here says if you can lift the hammer you're worthy to rule Asgard,"

"Ooh that sounds fun, let me try," Then a voice of doubt was heard.

"Pff, a mere mortal? I doubt that will ever happen," Loki sat in the corner brooding and loathing as he usually would.

"You're on, Rudolph," You grab the handle of the hammer, anticipation smeared the faces of everyone except for Loki who had doubt written on his face. You breathe out and lift, it was heavy at first and started to weigh down it lifted almost an inch. Thor's jaw hit the ground as he sat shocked.

"T-that-" but before Nat could finish her sentence the hammer drops on the table, the weight overcoming your strength. Guess you weren't as worthy.

"Well done, Y/n! Very well done," Thor laughs in relief. "Better luck next time," Then a familiar face enters the room, it was Bucky. James Buchanan Barnes, the winter soldier.

"Bucky!" You run towards the soldier and fling your arms around him, Bucky was your best friend, and he'd been away on a mission so you were ecstatic to see him. While this happened Loki stands up and leaves the group. "I thought you weren't coming back for another week!"

"Surprise surprise, Doll," You loved it when Bucky called you doll. You looked around at the group and they all were smirking. In came Wanda and Vision who had also been out on the mission.

"You guys planned this?" You walk over and hug vision and Wanda.

"It was an excuse for a party," Tony shrugged. You laughed and smiled as everyone greeted each other, but one person was missing, Loki.


Frost Bitten: Loki x fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now