Chapter 7 - Heat

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On the hottest day of the hottest month of the year, Avengers tower experienced a blackout in the morning. It was only 6 am when you woke up sweating. "What the hell?" your long-sleeved PJs didn't help with the overwhelming heat. You were frustrated and decided to change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. You trudged out to the hall where you heard groans coming from the living room. "What's going on?"

"Tower's down," Sprawled across each couch and the floor was earth's mightiest heroes. Natasha and Wanda were both in tank tops and shorts with rags on their heads.

"Here's an idea... USE YOUR POWERS!"

"Alright, Mr. Grumpy," You swish your palms, a flow of cold wind went their way causing them to relax. "Better?" They all nod and relax but not a minute goes by before the cold wind stops. "What the-" you pulse your palms in another forceful motion but no cold air came out.

"What happened, Ice pop?" It was Tony's frustrated sigh that really pushed your confusion as to why your power was blocked.

"I have no idea," you look down at your palms. "Maybe it's too hot?" You slump down next to Bucky and Steve who were the same as the rest.


Shifting uncomfortably was what the day was filled with Tony played rock music from his phone which only you, Thor and him enjoyed. Soon you realized Loki was missing so you went to his room to see if he was there. You stood up and made your way through the hall to the room next to yours.

"Loki?" You wait for answer but Black Betty clouded the silence you heard. You grab the handle and push open the door to see Loki slouched in the corner... though there was something off... he was... blue? "Loki?" His head turns immediately, his eyes were red as blood, but it didn't scare you it worries you. The small trickles of salty tears left light streaks on his frosty face.

"Don't look at me," he turns back again, facing the wall. He hid himself from you, from the rest.

"Loki, what's wrong?" You neared him, you could tell he knew. You had never seen him so vulnerable, it was an odd sight.

"Stay away-" you place you hand in his shoulder, it felt like ice under your warm touch.

"You're freezing-" then a thought hit you... he looked like the terrible creatures he told you about. The Frost Giants on Jotunheim, was he one of them? Should you run? "Loki, there's nothing to be-"

"What? Ashamed? Scared? I despise myself! I'm an abomination- a bastard!" You take back your hand. "And you know what's worse? I only recently found out..." his breathing was rapid like a wild beast you felt bad so you went to comfort him- "Don't touch me- I said don't touch me!"

"What is going on in here, brother?" Thor rushes in just in Time to see Loki disappear into thin air.

"Thor, is Loki a frost giant?"


You spent the next while listening to Thor about his brother, and in your opinion, a horrible father. "That's awful!"

"Well that is all I know," He takes a second before going back to the rest. However, when he stands up all the lights turn on and a cold breeze meets your bodies.

"Thank God the electricity is back on!" You both rush out into the hall. "Ok hold on, Thor," you create a snowball in your hand and hold it steady. Thor turns around and boom! The snowball hits his face. You laugh as the snow slowly drops from his face. "Good to know my powers work again!" You run into your room and lock the door to stop Thor getting in.

"Y/n! I'm gonna get you!" Thor playfully warns.

"What did she do?" You heard Steve ask through the door.

"She threw snow in my face!"

"And I'll do it again," You chuckle and hear him push the door. You smile to yourself and get ready to turn the key quickly. You turn the key and open the door so Thor fell to the ground, you jump over him and run to the elevator. You see him run after you just as the door closes, you wave goodbye as you went upstairs to hide.


This is just the beginning of some fun chapters!!

Frost Bitten: Loki x fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now