It had been days... maybe even weeks you didn't know, you didn't care, you know why? Because you didn't have the energy to care what day it was or what time. All you felt was pain. Pain pain PAIN. Nothing could stop it, hopefully it'll all be over... if only you knew what was coming next. "Wake up," you felt a shock of pain ring through your limp body. You shoot awake, on the floor. They had let you out the chair every night and it hardly left you anytime to sleep until the next session.
"Subject 001, ready for heat testing," the man in the lab coat says to the window before clicking his fingers. In white, a large man came into the room with what looked to be a piping hot rod, it's glowing blaze set fear trickling through you. They lift you onto the chair, tears stinging your eyes. You start to whisper, pleading with them to not do it but nothing budges. They take off the cuffs, placing the hot white metal on your skin, you shriek in pain, you feel the skin burn and blister. Suddenly you feel a cooling sensation over come your body, the pain was still there but it seemed to hurt less. Everyone stops and takes a step back from you. You pant and start to take in deep breathes. "Subject 001 seems to have turned ice blue along with red eyes, indents on the forehead and hair seems to turn white," you look down at your hands, blue. Your heart beat rises as you start to question. He clicks his fingers again and another rod of blazing temperatures is taken out and placed on your skin. This time you were filled with a new power something you hadn't felt before. From a tight grip your hands release a surge of ice forming giant icicles to shoot out from the ground impaling the surrounding people in the room. On the back wall, blood splatters creating an art piece of gruesome murder.
"Please, doctor," Loki pleads, following the Strange around the sanctum like a puppy dog looking for food.
"Loki, you have asked me to try again for the 5th time in the last 3 and a half weeks Y/n has been missing," Stephen sighs and closes the book he had in hand.
"I beg you... this is all I have left to hope for..." Strange sighs and takes the strand of hair Loki had been waving around in his face. Though Loki knew it was a lost cause he kept hope up as the team tried every hour of he day to look for you... that was until recently. Everyone had given up, Loki scolded them to the point where he had threatened to kill them all if they didn't keep searching. Strange was his last chance and last hope at finding his love.
"This is the last time..." Dr Strange moves his hand up and down then side to side with orange sparks to go with his gestures. He stood for a second before hurrying up the hand movements.
"What is it?" Loki's eyes light up suddenly as if a fading fire had suddenly been doused with gasoline.
"I've got- I've got something," Strange looked at his glowing hands with a sense of disbelief. He opens a portal to the tower and calls everyone to get into their gear. After everyone rushes in the portal it closes and a new portal opens into a patch of trees. Loki's eyes seemed to be trickling with tears, a hand rests on his shoulders as the plan is being told, by plan I mean Tony and Strange arguing about who's plan is better.
"We will get her back," Thor says with a smile.
An alarm went off, blaring sound and red lights filled your room. Ice coated the straps that held you down, you tug oncebut nothing moves then once more, this time you break free. You ice the straps on your legs and get up, you trip and land next to the impaled body of the mad scientist. You gasp and sep back, you look from the dead bodies to the window to the open door. You sprint out, slipping and hitting the wall.
"Fuck," you groan and get up steadying yourself against a cold surface you turn towards it and scream in shock, a man was frozen in a block of ice. You calm yourself and start to walk over the puddle of water. Red was the only colour you saw as you stumbled around the halls, on and off like flickering lights people ran past you towards where you thought the door was. A hand was suddenly rested on your shoulder, it was the large man who had brought you to your doom the first day you were there. You started to stumble back a bit more trying to get away before he takes hold if your hands, you weren't going down without a fight.
"You're not going anywhere, little lady," he grins and tries to haul your on his back but with all your might you twist his hand and shoot ice into his eyes, blinding him instantly.
"Fuck off asshat," You round house kick him with all you had left, he stumbles back hitting a trolley. Conjuring up your spear with the new power you felt you shot it straight into his heart and continued on down the hall. A ray of light shines through the crack of two doors like the sun through clouds, you sigh and drag yourself towards it. Hearing crossfire you open the doors and peak outside, taking a deep breathe you let rage fill your being. "Time to end this shit," you whisper to yourself, changing into your suit you burst open the doors with anger on your mind. Walking through the field you send spikes of ice through men in black. They all turn to fire at you, you ended their lives instantly with nothing more than a flick of your wrist. You saw the Avengers at the other side of the field, you smile before you hear a familiar voice call your name.
"Y/n?" You spin to the side to see your boyfriend, Loki, stabbing a guard in the back. His eyes widen with shock, you don't understand why but you don't care, you sprint towards him and engulf him in a hug, tears streaming down your Icy face you pull back to see Loki turn blue. "Y-Y/n... you're-"
"Blue?" You chuckle, looking away. Loki interiors by wiping a tear off your face.
"Beautiful..." he takes you into a kiss, his arms wrapping around you, starved of your embrace. You were all but interrupted by a whirring of a helicopter in the background, you end the kiss to Loki's dismay and turn to see Jonathan Vain waving goodbye with a smirk on his face.
"One second, Love," You march towards the already flying aircraft and raise your hand from one side of you upwards to form a giant spear of ice to shoot from the ground, impaling the helicopter and the pilot. You raise a beam of ice from the ground under you and rise up to the struggling aircraft. Colour drained from the face of your capturer as you grinned and stepped onto the helicopter. "Hello there, Mr Vain," his eyes spew out fear as you walk towards his cowering figure.
"W-wait a second, Subject 001-" You laugh at the number they had given you. You were their first test subject and you would be their last.
"You know... you showed me no mercy... and now I won't show you any," You shrug and grab him by the throat. You see burns cover his bare neck. "This is for kidnapping me," You slam him down in the ground. "This is for hurting me," you stab him with a dagger. "And this? This is from my boyfriend," you spin him around and throw him off the aircraft and watch him plummet to his death, his scream unnoticeable in the piercing wind. Face first he hits the ground flat. You gracefully slide down the spear of ice, throwing a spear at the engine of the helicopter and watching it explode. You land on the ground safely and see the body bleeding out slowly. Watching the blood trickle you were suddenly lifted in the air and kissed.
"Y/n... never do that again," He sighs and looks down at the body and back to you. You've only seen him this vulnerable once and that was only moments before. At this moment you looked into his eyes before he said three words... the three words you were shocked to hear. "Never do that again because- because... I love you," in a state of shock you said nothing... Loki started to rethink his decision to say those words before your gaze softened and you said them back to him.
"I love you too,"

Frost Bitten: Loki x fem!Reader
Fanfiction[CRINGE WARNING: wrote this a long time ago, so it contains a lot of stuttering and stuff but I will edit it soon] ~~~ Name: Y/n L/n Aka The Ice Queen Status: Avenger Species: Human Next Mission: Babysit the God of Mischief Name: Loki Laufeyson Stat...