Chapter 9 - Prank wars

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You couldn't stop thinking of that kiss, you hoped it was the same feeling Loki felt, placing on your shoes you made your way out to meet steve who had just finished breakfast. "Most important meal of the day,"

"Right before the worst thing of the day," You grunt and grab your bottle out the fridge, you grab an apple from the bowl of fruit and take a bite as Cap walked over to the elevator and went down to the lobby. You turn and saw Loki looking out the window, your chewing slows down and you blush and continue to stare.


"BUCKY!" You fall to the ground, your heart was racing, your apple had rolled away under the table as Bucky fell back laughing on the couch. "Not funny!"

"C' mon, doll, it kinda was," His mouth spread into a smile. "You can ice me later, for now, we need to catch up with Cap who surely has done 5 laps," He leaps off the couch and grabs your hand. You grunt with a smile and make your way to the elevator.


During your run, Loki was overcome with boredom. So he decided to do a little mischief... Clint and Natasha were getting ready for their daily training, so Loki decided to fill their gloves with Abilisk sludge, which he kept a jar of... just in case.

"Ready Nat?" Both agents slipped their hands in the gloves, retracting immediately when they felt the green guck on their palms. "What the-? Loki!" The god slips out from the training room laughing.

"I'm gonna get that son of a bitch," Natasha rolled up her sleeves and chased him out the room.


"I- I can't," You collapse on the ground next to Cap and Buck who weren't sweating a drop. "I'm going home..." You start to get up and limp away.

"Stop overreacting," Steve rolls his eyes and laughs. "We've only done 15 laps,"

"FIFTEEN?! Yup, I'm done," You continue to overreact all the way to the tower while Buck and Steve talked beside you.


Natasha continued to chase Loki for the entirety of the time until you got home. "Hey Loki, hey Nat-" The two rushed passed you, Nat raging and Loki looking frightened. "Clint?" The Archer was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching the chase. "What's going on?"

"Loki pranked us and Nat isn't happy," He put another handful of popcorn in his face, Loki split in two and Nat stopped to choose which to chase. Then those two Loki's split and continued to split til he surrounded her.

"How long until she realizes I'm here?" Loki says from behind you.

"I've got to say I'm impressed, Antlers," You laugh, Natasha looked around confused and frustrated before catching sight of the real Loki.

"That's my cue," Loki disappears into thin air, leaving you and Clint laughing. Bucky and steve just shook their heads and left for the gym.


"Just a little itching powder will do the trick," Nat smiled as she finished pouring the itching powder straight onto Loki's bedsheets.

"So, e-every week a different person-"

"Shit," Natasha climbs out the window onto the balcony getting away just in time.

"-Takes the sheets to the laundry, this time it's m-my turn," You laugh awkwardly as Loki walked beside you. He smiles and opens the door for you, you move swiftly in with a large basket and start to take off the covers of his bed. He walks to the other side of the bed and takes off the covers of his pillows.

"Do you not have servents to do this?" Both covers were off as he moved on to the duvet.

"Here on earth? No, we do this ourselves..." Your hands suddenly got itchy so you scratched yourself as you contemplated the next question to be said. "L-Loki? About that kiss..."



Loki's POV

Oh no... I knew I shouldn't have done such a thing! She will ask and I won't know how to respond... Damn

"What did it mean?"

Mean? So much! Don't say anything that will mess this up. You're the first Midgardian I have cared about- No, You know often we do things- No, for an ordinary Midgardian- Ordinary she is nothing of the sort!

"Mean? Nothing... I just did it as a spur of the moment thing," OH DEAR ALL FATHER! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Shame on you for saying such a-

"Yeah... Nothing," Starting to scratch my hands I think, did I say the correct thing? Midgardians are so confusing.


"Mean? Nothing... I just did it as a spur of the moment thing," nothing huh? Well- why am I disappointed? It's not like I have any real feelings for him... do I?

"Yeah... Nothing," a sudden itch filled your hands, you see Loki scratch his hands too. "Loki? Why are your sheets so-" you start to rapidly scratch your arm up and down "itchy!"

"It's- not my fault!" He growls "I'm not sure what's- wrong!"


After an hour of trying to figure out the reason for the itching you finally discover a packet of itching powder whilst putting an expired bottle of anti itching cream in the bin. "I have an idea..."


It didn't take long to get into the security footage outside Loki's room. You scrolled through footage for about another hour, catching weird things happening such as Thor sneaking pop tarts to his room and Clint climbing into the vents. You finally see what you were looking for... Natasha Natasha Natasha... shame on you.

"FRIDAY? Please get Loki here..."

"Yes of course, Y/n,"


"So do what you want with this information, I'm not part of this though! So leave me out of it," you push Loki out the room so he could take revenge while you sat back down and continued to scroll through weird footage... you only had one thing to do... that was to delete that kiss.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ah!" You jump out the chair as you were about to delete the footage. "T-Tony! H-hey..."

Frost Bitten: Loki x fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now