Chapter 18 - Back to Midgard

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You woke up to sunlight beaming through the curtains of your room, you tried to move but realize there were a pair of arms wrapped around you. You smile and snuggle back up to your boyfriend. "Morning, love," He says into the crook of your neck. You giggle and turn around to face him. He places a kiss on your forehead as his eyes stay closed.

"Wanna wake up?" You question him with a smile

"Why wake up when I can spend all day in bed with you," he mumbles, you chuckle and get up from the bed, walking over to the closet Loki teleports in front of you, grabs you by the waist and carries you over his shoulder. You squeal and start to slap his back telling him to put you down. He flops you on the bed and takes you into his arms.

"Let me get dressed!" You whine. "We'll be leaving after breakfast! I have to shower!"

"Can I at least join you?" He grins with his eyes still closed. You giggle and make your way to the bathroom.

"Ya sure," His eyes shoot open and he scrambles to the bathroom. You quickly shut the door in his face. "In your dreams!" You hear him groan. "Don't you dare think about teleporting!" You laugh and take off your clothes.


"Are you ready?" Loki holds you tight as you wave goodbye to Heimdall. Laying your head on his chest you felt the pull of the Bifrost take over your senses. It was a quick while until you landed on the hard ground of the helipad. Loki kisses your forehead and holds your hands. You giggle and look around to see the team making their way over. Shit. They must've seen that. Tony and Natasha smirked while Bucky and Steve looked pissed. Clint was trying to hold back his laughter and Vision paid Wanda $10. Bruce turned green around the edges while Nat quickly calmed him.

"H-Hey guys!" You quickly engulf Nat and Tony in a hug. Nat goes up to your ear and whispers.

"You have to tell me everything," You blush and chuckle awkwardly.

"Steve owes me $20," Tony laughs. You roll your eyes.

"You bet on me?" All he does is shrug and engulf you in another hug. "Missed you, kid,"

"Missed you too, old man," He steps back and gives you a shocked expression.

"They're the old men!" Tony points towards Loki, Thor, Steve, and Bucky. 

"Y/n..." Tony mouths a 'good luck' as Steve walks up to you with a stern face.

"Look before you give me your boring lecture about this let me just say-"

"-I missed you," Steve gives you a big bear hug. "And I'm not going to kill you... I'm going to kill him," You stop the hug and punch Steve in the arm lightly. He chuckles and lets you go greet Bucky. Before you could do anything Bucky walks away. What was that-? Quickly Wanda tackles you to the ground. 

"Woah! Calm down, red!" Wanda just laughs and holds you down more. 

"I missed you," She says, delighted with your return.

"As have I," Vision says from above Wanda. You quickly turn around and hug Bruce and Clint who waited with their arms open. 

"Don't go hulk on me, Doctor," You say smiling into the hug.

"Only to smash Loki into bits," he says. You see over his shoulder, the look of pure terror on Loki's face. You smile and mouth 'I won't let that happen' Loki's face softens. After your greetings, everyone greeted the god of thunder with big hugs. However, there was one person missing.

"Where is spidey?"

"Yes, where is the man of spiders? I would like to give him the biggest hug!" Thor smiles.

Frost Bitten: Loki x fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now