"Y-yours?" You question the very moment... was this a dream?! No... yes... maybe? You sigh internally and meet Loki's gaze as he searches for an answer in your eyes. "Loki..." He sighs and gets up.
"I knew it was too good to be true... I will see you around, Lady Y/n," Before he leaves you grab his hand and stand up. You pull him close and peck him on the lips.
"I'd love to be yours, Loki," A sudden shimmer of hope and joy filled his playful eyes. He lifts you up and spins you around, you giggle and close your eyes as the god puts you back down on the ground. You stumble back onto the ground and start to laugh, it was the first time you heard Loki laugh, it was cute. You smirk and pull Loki down to the ground with you. He laughs, even more, when he hits the ground. You snuggle up close to him and look up at the stars.
"Congratulations!" Thor's voice booms when his eyes land on you. You cough on your food in shock. Loki quickly pats your back as you drink water.
"What is it now you oaf?" Loki gives you a napkin and glares at his brother.
"You two!" both of your eyes widen at Thor's knowledge.
"H-how-?" You stutter. Thor smirks.
"I have my sources," He says proudly, walking away you and Loki both look at each other and laugh.
"My dear, I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the village market, there seem to be a few things I need from a shop,"
"Of course, it'll be fun!" He stands up and takes your hand, immediately he teleports you both to the center of the market. "Not- so fun," You grab Loki tighter as people pass you. Loki chuckles and holds you tight.
"My prince," A few people bow and walk away, carrying on with their business. The markets were filled with a ray of colours, wooden stalls sold all sorts of things from shawls with intricate designs to snacks that looked- well, interesting. A few people bumped into you, a few stares, a few glares. The glares seemed to be from the young women who would usually swoon in front of the brooding prince, your sudden presence must've angered them. You shyly look down.
"Ignore them, they're just jealous of your beauty," You blush crimson and smile, looking up to your Loki. "Here we are," A sign above your head read 'Salsi's Joke shop' You chuckle and enter the quaint store. The room was filled from head to toe with packaged goods of all sorts, labels read from 'dragons breathe' to 'Abilisk slime' and 'fools gold' to 'doom tarots'. You stared in awe as colours of all sorts shot in flares causing mini fireworks.
"This is so cool!" You giggle and rush over to a box that read 'do not open' through the little peephole you saw a small puppy. "What's so-" Suddenly a burst of flames spewed your way. You backed up in shock and turned to face Loki. "Ok- ya- no," he smiles and rolls his eyes as a man entered the room.
"Prince Loki! Welcome back to Asgard, I was not notified of your arrival... now, who is this lovely lady?" The mans fading blonde to gray hair stood out from the rest of his old features. He wore formal clothing from head to toe and a top hat too large for his head.
"Salsi, this is Lady Y/n, The woman whom I am courting," Loki greeted a man and looked around once. The old man takes your hand and kisses it lightly, you sheepishly smile and murmur a 'hello'. "I would like a bottle of-" You lost all interest after that and ventured through the small shop. When approaching a black box you look to your left and see a cage with what looked to be birds, labeled below it said 'Vyloos' you looked back up at the bird's whos bead-like eyes stared back at you. "Careful," Loki said behind you.
"Careful? What are they going to do? kill me with cuteness?" You giggle and continued to stare at the adorable creatures.
"The Vyloos could become very dangerous when frightened, and many Krylorians have lost their noses getting too close to them," your smile dropped into a pout as you looked back up at Loki who just chuckled.
After Loki got whatever he needed he invited you to take a stroll with him through the busy markets. You agreed in interest and you both set off. You passed many many stores and stared through the windows and stalls looking at all that they held. You pointed at the beautiful art that hung from the stalls as you held Loki's hand with your other hand. During all this Loki was staring at you in admiration. Your curiosity had struck him in awe, you kept rambling on about how amazing these things were while Loki listened to your every word.
Loki decided to take you for what looked to be ice cream, it was cold and creamy like ice cream but... it didn't look like any ice cream you've had before. "Try it," you sigh and take one lick of it, your eyes immediately light up as the sweet flavour hits your tongue. "You see," He smiles and sits on a bench. You sit beside him and watch kids play.
"Mama! Look! I made a snowy mountain!" A child had created a pile of sand to make a mountain.
"Where is the snow sweetie?" She chuckles and dusts off the sand. You smile and conjure up snow, sending it to the direction of the boy. It started to snow and the boy lit up with glee jumping around. The woman immediately looks up towards you and smiled mouthing 'thank you' you mouth back a 'you're welcome'.
"That was sweet of you, Elskan Mín,"
"I try," You lay your head on Loki's shoulder and watch as the mother plays with the little boy.
"Y/n, Brother!" Thor boomed from down the hall. He started running towards you two.
"If you run I will hold him off," Loki grins, you just playfully slap his arm.
"Be nice, Reindeer games," He pouts and 'hmpfs' as Thor finally reaches you. "What is it, Thor?"
"We are scheduled to leave to Midgard tomorrow morning,"
"Really?" You said excitedly, you couldn't wait to go home, not that Asgard wasn't amazing, you just missed everyone. Loki just nodded, Thor left after that, hand in hand you and Loki walked to the library. "How about one more look through these books? We have some time," He smiles and nods. That was what you both did for the rest of the time until dinner.
Hi!!!! Hope you liked it! Love you guys bai!!!!!!!!

Frost Bitten: Loki x fem!Reader
Fanfiction[CRINGE WARNING: wrote this a long time ago, so it contains a lot of stuttering and stuff but I will edit it soon] ~~~ Name: Y/n L/n Aka The Ice Queen Status: Avenger Species: Human Next Mission: Babysit the God of Mischief Name: Loki Laufeyson Stat...