Chapter 2

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Louis' P.O.V:

I was standing with Liam out the front of our school waiting for Haz and Zayn to arrive. 

"Lou!" Harry yells from across the road, speak of the devil... Him and Zayn are getting out of Harry's mum's car. When  they cross, we all give eachother a bro hug and walk in the school together.

"Is Niall here yet, or with His girlfriend and that loser she calls a bestfriend, Mikaela isn't it?" Zayn asks me. I look at him giving him a 'what-do-you-think' look. He nods his head and we continue to walk to our lockers.

When we are a few steps from our lockers, I see Samantha and Mikaela giggling like idiots. Mikaela, ahh that loser with the nerd glasses that I've picked at since I first saw her in yr7, I pick on her cause she is so easily tormented, but there is another reason why I do it..


"LOUIS! hurry up with those boxes will ya!" Mum yells out the door of our new house. I rolled my eyes and brang in the last of my boxes to my new room. Why did we have to move from Doncaster all the way to London? Stupid idea mum, stupid idea..

It was the holidays before we go back to start a new year in school, oh joy.. (note sarcasm..) and how am I spending my last week? moving into a new house cause my parents recently got a divorce so we moved out of Doncaster and came to London. I finished unpacking my boxes and then went outside to sit on the swing we had tied in a tree out the front. I was spaced out in my thoughts till i saw a shadow infront of me. I looked up, and saw a girl with long brown hair, nerd glasses, big brown eyes, a black sweter and red skinny jeans, she also had braces, haha brace face... memories of the nerd I use to call brace face, those were the days

"Hello, I'm Mikaela, I heard you just moved here, what's your name?" she asked. I know we are both british, but her accent was just beautiful... wait what? I just met the girl and your already calling her voice beautiful ?!

"What's it to ya?" I answer back rather rudely, cause I'm not planning on making friends right now, especially with a girl...

"Wow, someone is in a shitty mood... you still haven't told me your name.." She snapped. I could of been nicer yes, but I wasn't going to become bestfriends with a girl, I already have 4 sisters...

"Louis, I'm Louis, now can ya piss off ?" I snap back standing up infront of her and raise my hands in the air. She covered her face and flinched. I gave her a confused look and stormed up to my front porch when I heard her say

"All I try to do is be nice to you and be your friend so your not lonely walking into school, but ya know what? fuck ya, you can get friends yourself! asshole.." She then ran home and slammed her front door shut, well now I learnt she can be pissed off easily and I guess we going to be going to school together, this will be interesting..... No one calls me an asshole, ever.

*End Of Flashback*

I look at the boys and give them an evil grin then walk over to Mikaela. Samantha doesn't notice cause she has her head in her locker getting her books so she can't tell me to get lost. I put my hand on her shoulder and she flinches as if she is scared or something and I then whisper in her ear.

"Hey McFugly" I whisper then and give my signature evil grin. She turns around and I look into her eyes, I've always loved her eyes, they are so big and brown, Ew I don't even like her, I hate her, shes the girl who called me an asshole and said I was in a shitty mood, god Lou snap out of it !

"Hey fag.." She replies. Haha, she always calls me that... it makes me laugh everytime :') Now at this stage Samantha, Niall's girlfriend, is glaring at me telling me to get lost. Now Liam, Zayn and Harry are behind me watching what I'm doing.

"Now that's not a nice way to greet your favouritest person in the world?" I smirked at her. She rolls her eyes at me and walks off. Then she turns around and smirks.

"Two things, one, your not my favouritest person in the world, I hate you, I'd rather bleach my eyeballs then say that.. and secondly, favouritest isn't even a word... learn ya english mate" She snaps then turns on her heal and walks off with Sam off to class.


Mikaela's P.O.V:

"Hey Mik" Samantha says smiling at me with her lunch and holding Niall's hand.

Hey Sam, hey Nialler" I reply back and give the cute couple a smile then go back to eating my sandwhich. ahhh the love I have for chicken, cheese and mustard sandwhiches! I know, I'm weird, but ya love me ;) jokes, no one besides Samantha loves me, and I think Niall likes me, in a friend way of coarse!

"Hey Mik, mind if I sit with you guys today? can't find the boys" Nialls asks me with his crooked. How could I say no to that cute little irish leprachaun? I smiled an nodded to him, he quickly thanks me and sits down next to Sam. 

We were all happily eating our lunch and laughing together till I see four shadows infront of me. I look up and there are the four dickheads I depise of, I curse under my breath and look at my half eaten sandwhich that suddenly turned to be the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hey Mik, mind if we sit here? since Niall is our buddie an all?" Zayn asks then gives me his signature smirk. Before I could refuse, they all sit down and start talking to Niall and Samantha. I just sit there quietly till I here Mcfaggots voice, yes lovely nickname for him right? ;)

"What's up mikkipoo? someone's time of the month again?" Louis laughs, I shot my head up at him and gave him a deathie and stuck my finger.

"Fuck off Lou, why would you care?" I snapped.

"You love me.." He shoots back at me, oh yeah love... If you call secretly killing you in my head all day love, then yeah...

"In your dreams Tomlinson.." I mumble, but I know he would hear.

"I bet if we ever fake dated, you would fall inlove with me first, since I'm the strongest person between me and you..." He replies. I shot my head up then got a perfect idea. Light bulb......

"A bet uh?....."


there you go chickas, chapter 2, yeap, you are all my chickas, comment below what you think and vote for my story!

keep smiling, cause you are all beautiful :) xx <3

P.s: even though samantha not in this in this chapter much, a picture of samantha is on the side!

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