Chapter 6

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Louis' P.O.V:

So here I am, sitting in the hostipal waiting room with a crying Samantha, Niall cuddling her to comfort her and me and the rest of the boys talking about something. I'm honestly not paying much attention. I'm thinking about if Mikaela will survive, god I hope she does!

"Friends of Miss Mikaela Clarke?" The Dr spoke, we all got up and nodded, the Dr came over with a clip board in hand.

"Luckily, you got to her in time, if she wasn't in the hostipal an hour after you found her, she would of died, Louis, you saved her life.... would you guys like to see her? She is asleep, we have cleaned her up from the cuts and stuff on her body" He spoke looking into my eyes. Me? saved a girl's life, that girl that has hated me all her life. I then suddenly feel someone tackle me into a hug. I see Samantha balling her eyes out hugging me

"Th-thank you so-o much L-lou" She spoke through her tears, I simply smiled and hugged her back.

"What injuries does she have?" Niall asked the doctor who we were now walking with to Mikaela's room.

"She has several bruises all over her body from today and previous days of her abuse, she has a black eye, busted lip and a few broken ribs that she either got today or maybe about a week ago, so she needs to be very careful when she leaves the hostipal" The doctor answered.

We arrived at the door of her room after about 2 minutes of walking and talking to the doctor. When we walked in, there she was. Lying in a hostipal bed, numerous tubes running in her arms and monitors around her checking her heart rate etc. The sight of her so hurt was horrible, but she looked as beautiful as ev- shhh! you can't loose this bet Lou, oh for god sakes, your worried about a bet when she is laying in a hostipal bed after being beaten by her own father, god Lou your such a dick!

"I'll leave you guys with her.." The nurse who was standing near her. At the corner of my eye, I saw Harry checking the nurse out who was about, in her early twenties? Oh lord Harry, the love he has for older women...

I nudged Harry in the arm to tell him to knock it off, he looked at me as to say 'what, shes hot?' uh, that boy, I tell ya...

Suddenly, I hear someone moan in pain, that's when we all snapped our heads into Mikaela's direction and saw she was slowly opening her eyes, yay she lives! omg I'm so weird....

Mikaela's P.O.V:

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Uh! someone please turn off my school alarm? hang on... that doesn't sound like my alarm. I slowly move my head to the side and the pain hits me like a tonne of bricks, fuck ! what happened? oh wait, all I remember is Louis wrestling my father to stay away from me. I slowly open my eyes to see white walls around me and Samantha cuddled up to Niall in a chair crying her eyes out and Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry staring at me.

They all run up to my bed and smile, wow this is just a tad creepy.... Louis looks so relieved... why would he care? he hates me though? I've never seen him look so happy, wow did a brick hit me in the head or something?

I now see Samantha at the side of my bed sitting on Niall's lap holding my hand. This is why I love her, she is always by my side whenever I need it

"Mikkidee, I'm so glad your a-alive-e" she sobbed, I motioned her to come and give me a hug. She did so but not to tight, wonder why, hmmm weird, I miss her bear hugs, waah :(

"I hope I didn't hurt your ribs did I?" She asked. Why would she? 

"No, why?" I asked.

"You broke a few of your ribs today and a few days ago" Louis answered. So I didn't hear things when I hear my ribs crack, wow no wonder it hurts to breathe....

"Oh.." I answered. "Lou, can I please speak to you? alone?" I ask him. He gave me a confused look, but I just smiled. The rest of the guys and Sam walk out of my room and close the door behind them.

"Lou, I just wanna say how grateful I am for saving me from my asshole of a father, I thought I was going to die, but you saved me Lou, thank you" I smile. He looks in my eyes and smiles. Wow I never knew how beautiful is smile is- wait, what am I thinking ?! what did these doctors give me?!

"It's okay Mik, no need to thank me, and I just wanna tell you how sorry I am for all the times me and the boys bullied you, and I just wanna ask if you will give me and the boys a chance, refresh, as friends? and do you want to still go on with the bet?" He asked.

I was shocked, and I mean shocked! Louis, as in Louis Tomlinson, the boy who has bullied me for years apologising and asking to be friends? Should I trust him ? Well he did save my life....

"That apology means the world to me Lou, thank you, you are forgiven, and okay, we'll be friends, and the boys, but it may be a slow process earning all the trust back, but I swear if you fuck up, I'll cut off your baby making parts!" I giggled. He gave me a look like he was scared. I started laughing which was a bad idea. Fuck these broken ribs are a pain. I wince in pain and Lou quickly gets up.

"Are you okay?" He asked and gives me a concerned face.

"Yeah, just a few broken ribs that it hurts when I laugh, oh by the way I was joking, that would be weird me cutting your penis off..." I answer. He then chuckles and puts his hand out.

"We still on for this bet?" He asks "We don't have to if you don't wanna, we can just forget about the whole thing?"

"No way! Just cause I'm slightly crippled doesn't mean I'm giving up the fight to win"

"oh its on!" He winks at me.

"Like donkey kong" I giggle.

Maybe this might be the start to new friendships with all the boys, yay for more friends! hahaha oh gosh I'm weird...


There you go chickas, chapter 6! what do you guys think? did you want them to become friends after Louis saving her life, or still hate each other for awhile. Well I thought this was a cute way to start a friendship... anyways..

smile cause your beautiful ! <3 

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