Chapter 17

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Samantha's P.O.V:

"SURPRISE!" all of my friends and family cheer. Wow this place is massive! and there are loads of people here. I get the biggest grin on my face and hug my parents, the girls and the boys. I go up to Niall and crash my lips onto his.

"You like it beautiful?" He asks staring at me with those crystal blue eyes. I swear everytime I look into them I get lost. 

"Like it? I love it!" I smile kissing his nose. All the boys I gotta say look quite handsome tonight, especially my Nialler, They are all wearing a white dressy button up blouse with black skinny jeans.

"I gotta say, you look so stunning !" Niall grins.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself" I wink. He giggles and then the music starts playing and the gan all dances together.

Mikaela's P.O.V:

Tonight is going so well! The music pumping, everyone dancing having a good time. Louis showed me these dance moves, and he looks so funny when he does them! first he did the 'pat the dog, screw the lightbulb' then he did the 'stop the traffic, let em through'.

"You look rather stunning tonight" Louis whispers in my ear. I blush alittle but hide it.

"Thanks Lou, you don't look to bad yourself" I wink. I swear I saw him blush alittle. He drags me on stage with the DJ. Louis starts doing the 'pat the dog, screw the light bulb' and I do the 'stop the traffic, let em through' Then everyone starts to join in to I see Harry take Amy outside. Hmmm wonder what those two are up too.......

Amy's P.O.V:

I feel a hand hold ming and I look to see Harry smiling like a mad man. I laugh and he blushes alittle. Aww little cutie!

"Can I talk to you outside?" He asks.

"Sure, leggo!" I cheer skipping to the front. He starts laughing and he chases after me.

"So Haz, what did you wanna tell me?"

"Ummm... so bassically..."

Harry's P.O.V:

"So Haz, what did you wanna tell me?" She asks. I look into her beautiful eyes and they are twinkling.

"Ummm...So basically.." I'm so nervous right now, she's just so beautiful! and she wouldn't wanna go out with a guy like me...

"Yes Harry?"

"I like you, like alot, no, I actually love you. I love your laugh, your eyes, your personality, just everything about you! Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask looking into her eyes hoping she will say yes.

She smiles widely. That's a good sign, right?

"I love you too Haz, your laugh, your dimples, your hair, your voice, your personality, everything about you, I've honestly been waiting for ages for you to ask me, Of coarse I will!" She cheers. 

I smile and slowly lean in, she leans in aswell. I crash my lips onto hers and I feel fireworks going off in my stomach. It's like we are the only people in the world. I like her lower lip to grant access. She opens her mouth and my tongue explores her mouth and the kiss gets more passionate. We pull apart breathless. We smile and look into eachothers eyes.

"Wanna head back inside ?" I smile.

"Sure, lets dance!" She cheers intertwining her hand into mine and we run to the dance floor. Her small hands fit into my big ones perfectly. We dance for the rest of the night and sometimes I steal some kisses off her.

I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have someone like Amy.

Kira's P.O.V:

Me and Zayn have been dancing all night and everytime he holds my hand, I feel a jolt of electricity going through my arm.

"Did you feel that?" He asks.

"Feel what?"

"That tingly feeling go up your arm everytime we touch?" He smiles. Wow he felt it to, So I'm not going crazy..

"Yeah I did" I smile. "Why do you ask?"

"I've been meaning to tell you something, for a long time actually....." He replies. I nod for him to go on. "The first day I met you, I fell inlove. Your smile, your laugh, your smile, everything about you is perfect! And everytime we touch, I feel a jolt of electricity go up my arm and when I hear your voice, I get butterflies in my stomach" Omg that was the sweetest thing ever!

I feel tears in my eyes. "Zayn, that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me! And I gotta tell you something...I feel the same way" I smile. His smile becomes bigger and his next move shocks me.

He crashes his lips onto mine. I'm in shock for a moment then I start to kiss him back. The kiss feels so magical. Like I'm floating in mid-air. He licks my lower lip asking for entrance. I open my mouth and the kiss gets more passionate. Before it gets to over the top, I pull away and look into his eyes and his browns orbs are twinkling of happiness.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Of coarse" I smile and crash my lips onto his again.

"OI NO PDAS GUYS! THERE ARE KIDS AROUND!" I hear Louis call on a microphone. I blush a dark red and so does Zayn.

We walk back over to the guys and they look at us grinning.

"FINALLY! TOOK YA TIME MALIK!" Mikaela cheers. We all burst out laughing and we dance all night.

This has to be the best night of my entire life!


Awwwww! how did you guys like the ending? i thought it was adorable :) I know I said I would update later, but im bored shitless so i decided to update straight after. They are all couples.... Well except Lou and Mikaela, well they are fake dating but still....

Comment below what you guys think and dont forget to vote, and tell your friends to read this please! i wanna get to 1000 before i go back to school :) if i do, ill give you guys a sneak peek at my new fanfic ;)

smile cause you are all beautiful, in every single way. x

Love ya my chickas <3

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