Chapter 9

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Louis P.O.V:

"Hey whore, stealing my man are we?" I over hear that fake bimbo's voice.

"I'm not stealing anyone from you Eleanor, he broke up with you like a year ago?" Mikaela snaps back. woah where did all this confidence come from?

"And I broke up with that slut cause she cheated on me with that Nathan Sykes guy" I snap pointing at El while putting a protective arm over Mik's shoulders. We have come actually close friends now since the accident and since I apologised, no I didn't apologise just cause I felt sorry for her. I apologised cause I realised how much pain I've caused her in the years and realised how much I care for her.

"Boobear, it's rude to point, you know that.." El says seductively while getting closer to me rubbing my arm. Uh, I swear this chick is the biggest flirt out, just like Harry... nah, Eleanor is worse..

"Don't call me that El, I have a new girlfriend now-" I was cut off by El slapping Mikaela across the face and Mikaela falling on the ground gripping her face.

"OH ITS ON BITCH!" Samantha screams from behind me and tackles Eleanor to the ground and they both have like a full on bitch fight.

Wow, I'm quite scared of Sam now, she can really hit someone...

Samantha's P.O.V:

I was walking holding hands with Niall until I saw Eleanor with Mikaela and Louis, oh god this can't end good...

"Don't call me that El, I have a new girlfriend now-" he was cut off by Eleanor slapping Mikaela across the face, and I mean hard!

"Niall, hold my poodle!" I say giggling but serious and I chuck my bag to Niall. Hahahaha, White Chicks.. gotta be the funniest movie

"OH ITS ON BITCH!" I run at Eleanor and full on tackle her to the ground and we start having a full on bitch fight. Eleanor was complaining about her precious nails getting wrecked, aww poor didums....

Niall grabbed my waist and pulled me away from El while I was still thrashing around trying to get my hands on that bitch. Nathan is now comforting El since she is crying, and omg it sounds so fake it's not even funny...

"Better put that stupid bitch on a leash Niall" Nathan snaps back looking at my direction, OH HELL NO! did he just call me an animal!?

"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE CALL MY GIRLFRIEND A BITCH YA BASTARD! ELEANOR WAS THE SLUT FLIRTING WITH LOUIS!" Niall screams, then he lets go of me and starts throwing a few punches at Nathan, wow is it Internation Punch Up Day or something? cause there are alot of fights today! and it's only 8:30am!

We finally split Niall and Nathan apart, we had to get Zayn Harry and Liam to get Niall away while Nathan grabs El's hand and runs away, hahaha chicken... BURCK BURCK BURCK!

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Principal Hogg yells, uh oh, we're in shit now...

"SAMANTHA, NIALL, LOUIS, MIKAELA, HARRY, ZAYN AND LIAM, MY OFFICE NOW!, YOU GO GET ELEANOR AND NATHAN PLEASE!" he screams at this kid, I think his name is Jai Brooks or something? can't really remember...

-10 minutes later-

Niall's P.O.V:

Well, good news is Eleanor and Nathan got afternoon detentions for like a week cause they did most of the damage, bad news is me and Sam got an arvo just this afternoon, least we can spend time together ;) NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY!

"Are you okay Mik?" I ask concerned at my friend who now has a ice pack on her cheek, wow Eleanor must of slapped her pretty hard...

"Yeah I'm fine... Just stings and hurts where I hurt my jaw a month ago.." She mumbles. Louis is hugging her telling how sorry he is about what El did to her, even though she has told him a million and one times it ain't his fault...

"You okay babe?" I turn to Samantha who is sitting on my lap who hasn't spoken much.

"Do I look like an animal?..." She asks, with tears in her eyes.

"Oh babe.... your not an animal... you are the most beautifulest girl I have ever met, your hilarious, loving and caring and did I mention beautiful? because you are more beautiful then a princess, your my princess" I say kissing her forehead and hug her tightly.

"Thanks Nialler, I love you." She whispers with that beautiful smile of hers.

"I love you too beautiful" I answer back while I grab her face and crash my lips onto hers, I swear everytime I kiss her, I feel fireworks.

"GAAG! PLEASE, GO PDA SOMEWHERE ELSE!" Mikaela screams while covering her eyes and getting up running around in circles, I guess we have the old weird Mikaela back, YAAY!

"Shut up Mikaela!" I laugh.

ding ding ding

Well theres the bell.... LAST PERIOD AND THEN WEEKEND, HECK YESS!!


Louis' P.O.V:

Me and the boys are sitting around the fire at Harry's bungalow playing truth or dare.

"Louis, truth or dare" Harry asks me.

"I'm going to go for a truth, since I can't be bothered to do a dare at the moment."

"Do you like anyone?"

Should I tell the boys? These past few weeks I've come to realise I actually have had feelings for Mikaela this whole time, not just while she was in hostipal, but what happens if they tell her? I don't want the bet to be over yet, it's only just begun ;)


"OMG WHO!?" they all say in sync



AWWWWW! LOUIS TOLD THE BOYS ABOUT HIS FEELINGS FOR MIKAELA, HOW CUTE :) hopefully they dont spill the beans to samantha or mikaela......

I just wanna say a huge thank you for reading my fanfic, its my first attempt at writing and i honestly think i suck at this... haha some people on here are so talented, anyways thank you so much, i love you my chickas


p.s: i dont think eleanor is a slut or anything like that, she is the most beautifullest person in the world and im so happy she makes lou happy, cause if louis is happy, im happy, and that goes for all the boy's girlfriends and future girlfriends


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