Some Scars Never Heal

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My talons clicked on the floor as I raced along the corridors, leaping onto an alcove before gliding down to the floor. To my right were the new murals, I had ordered the old mosaics to be destroyed when I moved into the palace. They had been replaced with glistening mosaics, depicting the warriors that had fallen in the battle in their prime. The cream walls contrasted nicely with the fluffy carpets in reds, greens, yellows and blues. That was Heffres' idea. I turned a corner and approached the dungeons. My golden scales were gleaming and my silver and turquoise eyes made me recognisable enough that I didn't need to provide my identity. Although to be fair, my guards should be with me.

Once I entered, I transformed into a human, greeting the two dragons on guard by name. A loud thump sounded, and I rolled my eyes, tossing my brown hair over my shoulder as I greeted Phantom:

"Hey Phantom. I can walk by myself you know,". The black dragon walked next to me as he snorted.

"You are The Queen. You have to be guarded for when Ceylon comes back,".

"The Queenling,". I corrected. I wasn't Queen yet, nor did I want to be. "Don't you think you are being a little bit paranoid? It's been three months!".

"A blink of an eye in a dragon's lifespan,". Phantom pointed out idly.

"And in a rider's but that's not the point. What are you even doing here anyway?".

"The council want to meet with you once you are done,".

Instead of the lift Adam and Furnace had to go down, the dungeons were on the ground floor and descended downwards, on a staircase. I greeted the lightning dragon in charge and walked to Section XX (the secure section). Phantom followed and I glared at him.

"I don't need to be nursemaided! I want to talk to him, alone. And yes, I do know that the walls are soundproofed,".

"Ok. I will wait out here,".

Sensing this was the best I was going to get, I turned into a dragon, scales creeping up my face, spines sprouting out of my back, horns shooting upwards. I flexed my wings, stepped forward and examined the lock. Smoke coiled out of my nostrils as I spat onto the floor. The molten gold streamed out of my mouth, catching the light as it twisted and turned, slowly forming into a key. The golden key glistened I transformed back, scooping up the key and unlocking the door, with a satisfying click. I shot a warning look at Phantom before stepping in, shutting and locking the door behind me, hearing an irritated huff from Phantom. I slowly turned around. Until now, guilt had kept me from visiting Quaem. I had taken a crown I didn't want, and he was stuck in a dungeon. He was a pitiful sight. His muzzle was scarred where the burning gold had burnt his scales beyond repair. Scars had also formed where drops of my metal had landed and his blue horns were matt and dull. His yellow neck was practically beige with dirt and grime. He was slumped down, leaning against the wall, the chains tight around his back, legs and tail. The chains were soaked in alakila, the sap of a tree that meant a dragon could not use it's powers. I had made sure that food was not being withheld, and that the cell was light. He looked up. His eyes no longer held any malice, just boredom although his eyes narrowed as he saw my circlet.

"Hello Quaem,". I said as calmly as I could.

"Hello Rider. What are you doing here?". I ignored the slight and carried on:

"I wanted to check up on you,".

"Why?". I stayed silent. His eyes widened. "You feel guilty! Why would a Queen fell guilty about usurping the tyrant? But then again, why would a Queen ensure her enemy was well fed and cared for, albeit imprisoned, when I killed her brother?".

I looked at him. He smiled as he continued:

"Unless, you don't feel comfortable. I wonder why? Is it because you don't want to be Queen? Or is it because, even though the whole world knows, is it because you are a hybrid?". I transformed, my scales glimmering as I stared at him. I love this form, but he was right. I hate the fact that I'm a hybrid, not a human or a dragon. How could I be a rider if I don't need a dragon? Quaem interrupted my thoughts:

"So why are you here?". I took a step back. And another. I opened the door, stepped outside and shut the door. The following thud resounded through me.

Why was I here? I didn't know.

And that's what scared me.

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