The Final Battle

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"Electra stop!". I commanded, surprised with how confident I sounded. I turned to where I suspected Amaris was.

"Is this how you want to fight Amaris? When your opponent is blinded? What a great way to prove your might to dragonkind,". Electra snorted with laughter beneath me, and abruptly, our vision cleared. I glared at Phantom and kept my expression neutral as Furnace barged into him, Adam slashing at his flanks.

"You take care of Amaris, Amy! We'll deal with the traitor,". I nodded, and steered Electra towards Amaris.

"How loyal your friends are,", Amaris mocked. "Too bad they'll be the first to die once you fall,". 

Electra lunged forwards and Amaris whirled out of the way, sending a crystal shard at me. I ducked, before slashing at Amaris with my sword. I minuscule cut appeared on her leg, and a feeling of despair washed over me. Electra was already tired, and the only injury we'd managed to give Amaris was one the size of a paper cut. My mind drifted back to what Kyros had said the first time I had met him, and an idea sparked to life in my head.

"You'll never win! My trusted ally Phantom has already told me all of the plasma dragon's capabilities. You don't stand a chance!". Amaris crowed. I subtly leaned closer to Electra's head.

"Electra,". I muttered "Can you create a smoke screen?".  She nodded her head as she dodged a crystal shard before firing a plasma bomb to Amaris' wing.

"Don't be surprised to have another dragon joining the fight,". I muttered as she let forth a torrent of smoky purple flame. I coughed and spluttered, before leaping off Electra and turning into my other form. Horns sprouted from my head, wings burst from my back and my nails sharpened and lengthened into talons. I frantically flapped my wings, the sunlight bouncing off my back and dazzling Amaris. I leapt forwards, spitting burning hot liquid gold at Amaris' head before folding my wings and looping around until I hovered behind her. Electra hovered in front of her. Electra roared and released the hottest flame she could muster, whilst I flew forwards and spat acid into her eye.

"Look out!". Electra cried just as Amaris raked her razor sharp crystal talons against my back. I spasmed as they cut through muscle and bone, tearing tendons and slicing nerves. I crashed into Electra's back, already reverted to my human form. I clutched the horn in front of me, my palms clammy as Electra turned to look at me. We both needed urgent medical attention, but if we received it, Amaris would escape, and kill more dragons, and kill more dragons. Electra craned her head to look at me and we stared into each other's eyes. Her eyes were fierce, determined and I knew we both had the same opinion.

A bellow of pain sounded from nearby as a black dragon turned to stone. I stroked Electra's neck as we lunged forwards, Electra releasing a plasma blast so big it lit up the sky in an explosion of pinks, purples, and whites. I sliced my sword through her neck and a body dropped to the ground, swiftly followed by the head. Blood dripped from our wounds and I hugged her as she turned so we could both look at Adam and Furnace. A choked scream came from Adam as he screamed in horror, whilst Furnace roared in sorrow. Those were the last things we saw as blood, scales and skin turned to stone and we dropped from the sky, dead before we hit the floor.

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