Clia and Kyros

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Quaem's flight was extremely different to Electra's. His was bumpier, but faster as he could harness the wind currents more easily. His ruby red scales shone in the light of the dying sun and his tail waved lazily in the air.

"So Quaem,". I started, trying to get a conversation going. "Is there a legend about the Orofile or what? And can you give to me a description and defensive breakdown of it?"

Quaem chuckled, his deep voice sonorous as he spoke:

"The Orofile is a noble dragon, said to be the child of time and infinity itself,".

"There are time and infinity dragons?".

"Yes but I shall tell you about them another time. The Orofile was the daughter of these two mighty dragons. Unlike her parents, she was a dragon of the earth and not the sky, and disagreed with how her parents never interfered with conflicts in this land. Although she looked weird, and I shall describe her in a minute, she was kind, fair and just. The people loved her and soon she preferred to live among us, rather than with her parents. But, as she is an Imperium, one of the elite dragons, she grew and grew and grew. Because of her immense size, people began to fear her, but she meant them no harm. Humans tricked her into getting involved in their wars, and they say that she still regrets, even to this day, about the men she accidentally killed. She shed three tears when she realised what she had done and fled, to the very place we are going to now. Only people after the Diadem of Tears meet her now. Her tears are extremely valuable, as they are said to cure any injury except death. But she will never gift them to anyone, unless they are kind and compassionate enough to make her cry, just like the Diadem.".

"What does she look like?". I asked.

"Well,". Quaem began, "from a battle sense, she has razor sharp teeth, each one the length of me and eight heads. She could squash a dragon accidentally with a single footstep and can literally lie down and look like a load of hills and valleys,".

"Cool!" I said. I hesitated, wondering if I should ask this or not;



"Why do you hate lightning dragons so much?".

He bent his head back to look at me. "I don't". He admitted. "The King when I was a child was called King Iskierkos. He was a lightning dragon. He prized his particular breed, and they were the only ones allowed in the army. The rest were just servants, with fire dragons as the lowest breed. One day, when I was just a hatchling, he raised the taxes. A lightning guard came to our cave, and demanded we handed over all the sheep we had, and more. My father refused - we only had enough for one sheep each anyway. I was hidden under a pile of animal skins and told to not come out. When I emerged, my parents were sleeping. It was dark, and the floor was sticky, so I curled up next to my parents. When the sun rose, I realised I had lain in their blood. The lightning dragon had killed them,".

I couldn't think of anything to say. I had heard about how he was forced to take on a rider, from unbiased dragons, and knew what had happened after that, but not before that. I decided to change the topic, feeling guilty for bringing up such an unpleasant subject.

"What are time and infinity dragons?"

Quaem chuckled. "You are curious for one so young". He commented. "There is only one time dragon, and only one infinity dragon. They have no riders. You could say that they are the gods of the dragons, except for the fact that they actually exist,".

"Hey!". I protested. Although I wasn't religious, it was still a bit insulting. He chuckled before carrying on:

"The time dragon is a female called Clia. No one knows how she, or Kyros, the infinity dragon came to be. Together, they control the past, present, and future. They live in a small pocket of space, where time does not exist. Dragons used to say that each star shows one way they altered time, and constellations show new things they brought to earth, for both humans and dragons. Clia is reputed to be the most beautiful dragon alive, and is ice blue. Her wings are long and majestic so she can fly through time but her talons are very small. In contrast, Kyros has smaller wings, but his talons are long and he is a very dark blue, almost black. They say that they can appear to someone in their time of need, if that person is worthy,".

"So two kinds of sky dragons gave birth to an Earth dragon?".

"Sort of, yes. Now you should rest - we will be there in a few hours".

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