Striker's PoV - Grounded

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My wings flapped rhythmically whilst I waited for Amy to give the signal. She looked incredible, and I felt a moment of thankfulness when I remembered how she touched the iron collar and rescued me from my slavery to Electro. It seemed like eons ago now. I was jolted out of my reverie  as the army roared out the chant and I joined in, sending the words "Defend or Die!", echoing towards the opposing army, before we soared forwards. I spread my wings and roared for all I was worth as we entered the fray. I dived towards a very overweight ice dragon, releasing a jet of flame. He didn't dodge quickly enough, and startled, I backwinged as I watched the dragon melt into burning fat, too fast to turn into stone. The remnants of the dragon plopped onto dragons below and the hiss and screeches of pain as dragons were burnt by the blobs of flesh were deafening. I banked sharply, and glided towards a wind dragon, letting my electricity build up inside of me. A low hum filled the air as I felt the raw power coursing through my veins, building up in strength until I opened my maw and released a bolt of pure, burning lightning. The dragon didn't even have a chance to scream.

I lurched to the side as a breath of flame sizzled by my head, and I turned round to face the new threat. My vision turned black, and I hovered, stunned. I wasn't unconscious because I could still feel my wings, so why couldn't I see anything? I felt movement beside me and then a searing pain shot through my right wing as I plunged towards the ground. I bellowed in agony as I tried to flare open my wings. The ground was coming closer, and closer and I could now see the individual flagstones. I shuddered as I thought of the impact and curled up. The ground was nearing and suddenly there was an almighty wrench in my tail. I squinted and realised I was hovering above the ground, but I wasn't moving my wings. I squinted upwards, and to my relief I saw a great big pink blob slowly lowering me to the ground. I dropped down on all fours and looked up at Amy, whilst Electra craned her neck upwards to watch a mini battle going on above. She looked at me, worry etched into her features.  

"Get to the Infirmary Striker!". I nodded, turning my head sharply as I looked at her in alarm.

"Amy, I know who the traitor is. It's-".

"I know," she said, cutting me off. "Now get to the Infirmary,". She leaned to the side whilst Electra shot a plasma ball up into the air. I nodded, and flinched as Electra leapt diagonally downwards, crashing into me and pushing me a few paces as a stone dragon landed with a thump where I had been standing. Amy stared at me, her pink eyes meeting my yellow ones.  

"Go. Stay inside. It's not safe for you out here if you can't fly,". I hurried to the palace, my talons clacking against the flagstones as I hurried inside. Here, instead of the sound of flames and lightning bolts, there were groans and screams from the wounded. I hurried to the throne room, where I could see humans scurrying about with bandages and tonics. Here and there dragons were pushing out stone statues, where the dragon had died from it's wounds. A surgeon hurried over to me, scanning my wing.


"Striker,". I responded, giving a low hiss as I moved my wing. Blood steadily dripped onto the flagstones, giving them an orange tinge. The surgeon produced a roll of bandages and tightly bound my wing, before getting a length of wood and splinting the rest of my wing. He looked at me sympathetically, sorrow in his eyes as he stated: 

"I don't know if it will heal properly. I don't know if you will ever fly again,". I nodded, my heart sinking as I turned to go.

"Where are you going?". The surgeon enquired, shocked.

"To the tower,", I replied without turning around. "I can still watch, even if I can't help,". With a heavy heart, I headed towards the tower so I could watch the battle, my wing useless at my side.  

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