Raw Honesty

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"Her head is down there,". Quaem nodded down the slope.

"Aren't you coming with me?". I asked.

"When you get denied, you cannot come again,".

"You got denied?". I studied him.

"Yes. You should go now. I'll wait for you here,". He said, abruptly.

Hurt, I nodded and shouldered my pack, before turning on my heel and walking down the slope. It wasn't long before I couldn't see Quaem when I looked back, and I sighed. There were no animals here. It was unsettling. My foot dislodged some earth and they rolled down the slope. I grabbed a vine to steady myself, gasping as it uprooted itself.

"Oh no!". I muttered as I began to slide. I scrabbled at the ground, my fingernails raking in the mud, grass being ripped apart by my hands. I lunged for a tree root but it was too late. I was sliding down the hill. Rocks whizzed by as I shot down, trees becoming blurs, mud spraying everywhere. I crashed into the forest floor at the bottom as leaves flew everywhere. I shakily stood and assessed my injuries. Other than a bruised tailbone, multiple bruises and a racing heart, I was fine. However it was getting dark and I needed to find shelter. I entered a rocky cave to my right and followed the pathway. It soon became pitch black and I closed my eyes. Hovering above my palm I envisioned a plasma ball, the pink spidery strands turning and twisting in the white membrane. The cave was illuminated and I gasped when I entered a huge cavern. In the middle was a lake and I cupped my hands to guzzle it down. Across from the lake was a huge convex green hill and I flung myself back as part of it split apart to reveal a turquoise iris.

"Hello". The Orofile said, opening both eyes and studying me. "You must be looking for The Diadem of Tears"

I smiled softly, taking a hesitant step forwards. "Yes and no,". I replied, taking a hesitant step forwards.

The Orofile blinked and shifted, her head moved from side to side and her scales glimmered in the light of the plasma ball. She tilted her head to the side and all of a sudden, the cavern was illuminated, and I extinguished my plasma ball.

"You needn't be afraid. You are the first visitor I have had in over a hundred years. What is your name?".

"Amy,". I replied, walking to the edge of the lake and sitting down. "The Queen of Dragons and Rider of Electra,".

"You prefer the second title,". It was a statement, not a question, and I remained silent as she continued:

"Tell me, why are you not here for the Diadem of Tears?". I blinked, surprised.

"Well,". I began. "When my army overthrew Quaem's, he was taken to the dungeons. My dragon, Electra, and I were overruled by our council and they decreed that Quaem was to be executed. I disagreed and so I helped Quaem to escape and we came here, on his suggestion. I'm not strong enough to fly this far and I'm too obvious, whilst Electra stayed behind to avoid suspicion. She was too obvious a colour,".

"What colour is your dragon form?". I turned into it, the gold gleaming in the light. The Orofile studied me and I turned back as she asked her next question.

"Why did you come here,".

"I wanted to get rid of the council. If we were to kill Quaem we would be just as bad as him and now I've spent time with him, I believe he truly wants to change,".

"A leopard cannot change it's spots,". The Orofile looked pensive and I knew she was remembering the men she had accidentally killed.

"But if you keep your head in the past, how can you think about the future?". The Orofile laughed.

"But if you live life full of regrets, what is the point of living?".

"Life is about experiences - it is a carousel of emotions. If you don't have regrets, memories, pain and happiness, how can you say you've lived? Surely you are just like a shadow, living for the sake of being alive,".

The Orofile cocked her head, studying me. I wondered how I must look to her: a girl with long brown hair sitting on the edge of the pool, wearing a circlet she doesn't want and contradicting everything the Orofile believes in.

"I see your point. Now tell me, do you have a lover?". I flushed.

"No,". I admitted, thinking of Adam.

"You know you will be expected to marry to carry on the bloodline,". I looked down.

"Yes, I do,".

"And that if I give to you the Diadem, you will have to rule the kingdom until your children are old enough to take the throne?".

"Yes,". The Orofile leaned forward, and I looked into her turquoise eyes.

"So then, do you want the Diadem of Tears? Because you could abolish the council without it, turn the country into states with sub rulers and live a normal life afterwards. You don't need it. You don't even need to fulfill your destiny. It's up to you,".

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